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Burnout syndrome: symptoms, stages and treatment

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Burnout syndrome: symptoms, stages and treatment

The burnout syndrome it is an afflicting condition more and more workersregardless of the sector in which they operate. It is a debilitating condition that can lead to chronic fatigue, loss of interest in work, feeling of ineffectiveness, anxiety, panic, depression.

However, the burnout syndrome it’s not a simple matter of stress or fatigue, but it’s a deeper problem you may have psychological, social and organizational roots.

In this article, we’ll explore the symptoms, causes, and possible treatments for burnout syndrome, and find out how to tackle this work challenge effectively and sustainably.

What is burnout

Burnout literally means “to be burnt out”. Burnout syndrome is a state of total physical, emotional and mental exhaustion, which leads to reduced performance.

Burnout is not an independent disease, but a risk situation from which they can result in psychological or psychosomatic disorders come depressiondisturbances of anxiety or physical ailments such as hypertension, heart and stomach problems or headaches.

The term burnout was introduced in New York in 1974 by psychoanalyst Herbert Freudenberger.

It has been hypothesized that highly motivated, idealistic and perfectionist personalities are particularly at risk, especially if they repeatedly experience frustration.

An estimated 4% of the population suffers from severe burnout symptoms. However, another 20% are assumed to have moderately severe symptoms.

Since the clinical picture can also manifest itself in many ways – both physically and psychologically – it is difficult to determine the exact number of people affected.

Who suffers from burnout syndrome

Burnout can affect anyone. But often people who have one are affected tendency to perfectionism and overcommitmentwho want to do a lot at once, have a strong sense of responsibility, who quickly feel responsible.

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The triggers are in most cases:

  • overload at work and in private life;
  • constant availability;
  • time pressure;
  • growing responsibilities;
  • fear of losing your job;
  • shift and night work;
  • bullying and mobbing;
  • bad working atmosphere.

People who have even two or three of these characteristics are at risk of burnout.

What are the symptoms of burnout syndrome

Symptoms of burnout syndrome They are different; these are behavioral and psychological manifestations. The symptoms include:

  • Fatigue and chronic tiredness;
  • Emotional exhaustion;
  • Feeling empty due to work;
  • Depersonalization;
  • Attitude of removal and refusal, towards the employer;
  • Sense of inadequacy;
  • Loss of self-esteem;
  • Restlessness;
  • Apathy?
  • Nervousness;
  • Insomnia;
  • Tachycardia;
  • headache;
  • Nausea
  • Social anxiety;
  • Feeling of failure;
  • Guilt;
  • Anger;
  • Pessimism;
  • Paranoia;
  • Aggression;
  • Irritability;
  • Frustration;
  • Lack of concentration;
  • Isolation;
  • Panic attacks;
  • Generalized anxiety;
  • Reactive depression.

Furthermore, there is no shortage complications related to burnout syndromesuch as alcohol abuse, drug abuse or drug addiction.

The 4 pieces del burnout

Here are the four stages that burnout goes through. The sooner you recognize a stage, the sooner you’ll avoid the worst.

Phase 1: Honeymoon Phase

When we take on a new task, we leave highly motivated, committed, full of energy and creativity. This is especially true for a new job or if you are self-employed.

During this first phase of burnout, you may be so excited that you don’t realize when you are stressed and overdoing it. But if you don’t realize this stage, you will easily go to stage 2.

Stage 2 – the onset of stress

The second stage of burnout begins with realizing that some days are harder than others. You suddenly realize you’ve gone too far and feel less motivated and drained. This phase usually begins with the thought of taking a few days off.

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In stage two, both mental and physical limitations can be felt, which can manifest in high blood pressure, headache, irritability, difficulty concentrating, lack of sleep, weight gain or loss, anxiety and forgetfulness.

Stage 3: Chronic Stress

In this sentence, burnout is just around the corner. You still have a chance to avoid it if you act quickly. Chronic stress has already taken its toll mentally and physically.

The symptoms mentioned in stage 2 become chronic and even worse. Also, stress now affects your work and private life.

You are irritable, miss deadlines and goals, feel chronically tired and lacking in energy, argue with your partner, find it difficult to carry out daily tasks at home, and arrive late for work.

Other symptoms of the third stage are:

  • Social withdrawal from friends and/or family;
  • aggression;
  • apathy?
  • disinterest;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • decreased libido;
  • anxiety and panic attacks;
  • feeling out of control;
  • increased consumption of alcohol and drugs.

Stage 4: the actual burnout

Now it gets really critical. You lose control and can no longer resist. You cannot find a way out of this situation and you fall to smithereens. You can try to escape by taking sick leave or time off. However, you are unable to make an improvement. It’s too late.

Some go so far as to rashly quit their jobs. However, this will not help you get rid of burnout symptoms. On the contrary, they often intensify as calm returns. It is not uncommon for those affected to fall into acute depression.

Typical symptoms of burnout are:

  • sense of inner emptiness;
  • constantly thinking obsessively about work and life;
  • pessimism;
  • insecurity;
  • social isolation;
  • heachache;
  • intestinal pains;
  • stomach ache;
  • neglect of personal needs;
  • insomnia;
  • desire to escape;
  • relationship problems
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Some even speak of five stages of burnout, with the fifth stage being chronic burnout. However, if you are truly suffering from burnout, you cannot go on without seeking help from a psychologist and/or psychiatrist.

How to cure burnout

What are the remedies for burnout syndrome?

Treatment is aimed at solving the problem, reducing levels of stress, anxiety and depression. The first step in dealing with the problem is to consult a specialist: a psychotherapist could help to understand the mechanisms to be modified in order to feel better, for example by facing certain situations with a different spirit, learning to resort to psychophysical relaxation or better managing one’s time.

He will know if it is appropriate to contact one psychiatrist to resort to some drugs that can help you overcome the first phase, which is the most difficult.

Those affected develop strategies during therapy with which they can better meet the daily needs. In addition to drug therapies, dietary changes, sports, occupational therapy, relaxation, or therapeutic writing may also help.

Talking to other people who have it, such as in a self-help group, can also help. Because if you have already found a way out of the disease, you can encourage others who are affected by it.

Professional medical and therapeutic help is absolutely necessary for diagnosis and therapybecause the disease is serious. Early treatment is very important because the transition to depression and other mental illnesses is easy.

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