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By bike from the Weser through the Harz to the heath | > – Guide – Travel

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By bike from the Weser through the Harz to the heath |  > – Guide – Travel

Status: 4/4/2023 5:21 p.m

Beautiful towns, spectacular landscapes: the Weser-Harz-Heide cycle route runs around 420 kilometers through Lower Saxony – from Hann. Münden to Lueneburg. It can also be skied well in individual stages.

The route mostly runs away from major roads and on paved bike paths and farm roads. In some places, for example in the Weserbergland and especially in the Harz Mountains, there are some strenuous climbs to be overcome – here e-bike riders have a clear advantage. We recommend dividing the route into at least seven stages. This leaves enough time to get to know the cities and landscape along the way better.

Sections ideal for day trips

Since many places on the Weser-Harz-Heide Cycle Path are well connected to the public rail network, it is also possible to only explore sections of the route. The long-distance cycle path is signposted, a helpful companion with lots of additional information is the “Weser-Harz-Heide Cycle Path” app by Thomas Kempernolte, which you can load onto your smartphone. It is available free of charge in both the Google Play Store and the App Store. Detailed information on Tour including the GPS data also offers the tourist information Heide-Uelzen.

from Hann. Münden via Göttingen to Herzberg in the Harz Mountains

The starting point of the long-distance cycle path is the picturesque half-timbered town of Hann. Münden, which lies on three rivers – Fulda and Werra flow together here and become the Weser. From the old town, the first stage leads partly over old railway lines through the hilly landscape to the old university town of Göttingen, which is about 40 kilometers away.

A nature experience center was founded on Gut Herbigshagen by the well-known wildlife filmmaker Heinz Sielmann.

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The second stage is significantly longer at 70 kilometers and leads from Göttingen to Herzberg in the western Harz Mountains. If that is too far for you, you can divide the stage again and plan an overnight stay in Duderstadt. The city is also ideal for a longer break, for example for a detour to the Gut Herbigshagen nature experience center or a visit to the Frontier Museum south of Duderstadt. A stop at the Rhume spring near Rhumspringe, one of the largest karst springs in Europe, is also worthwhile. It is idyllically situated in the forest. At the stage destination in Herzberg you can also plan a visit to the Unicorn Cave in Scharzfeld, the largest accessible cave in the western Harz.

Mountain stage leads from Herzberg to Clausthal

View from the Wolfswarte rock group in the Harz National Park.  © Imago / Zuma Wire Photo: Jannis Grosse

If you take a little more time, you can plan a hike to the Wolfswarte, a well-known rock formation, near Altenau.

On the third stage, which leads from Herzberg to Goslar, there are several strenuous climbs, especially between Osterode and Clausthal-Zellerfeld in the Upper Harz Mountains. On the way there are beautiful natural landscapes such as the Red Moor. The Sösetalsperre offers an impressive view. From there it goes along the reservoir via Altenau to Clausthal-Zellerfeld. The two historic mountain towns are ideal for a longer break. Heading north, the path finally leads past Lautenthal and the Innerste dam downhill to Goslar on the northern edge of the Harz Mountains. The UNESCO World Heritage city is reached after a total of 77 kilometers and is very well suited for an overnight stay.

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On level paths from Goslar to Braunschweig

At 61 kilometers, the next stage is a little shorter than the Harz stage on the previous day, so there is still some time before the start to visit Goslar with the medieval imperial palace, the old town and the Rammelsberg mine. The stage to Braunschweig runs mostly flat and leads between Schladen and Hornburg on the Green Belt long-distance cycle route along the former inner-German border. There, nature was often able to develop almost undisturbed. Following the Oker it then goes over Wolfenbüttel to Brunswick.

Through heath landscapes from Braunschweig to Gifhorn

At 38 kilometers, the fifth stage to Gifhorn is relatively short. It leads through asparagus fields and small villages via Isenbüttel to Tankumsee, which offers a longer break in the summer with a bathing beach and lawns for sunbathing. In Gifhorn you can plan a visit to the mill museum and the Renaissance castle in the old town.

After the overnight stop, it’s about 55 kilometers in a northerly direction to Bad Bodenteich. The path leads in places over sandy and therefore somewhat difficult to drive paths through the heathland. A visit to the Isenhagen monastery and the otter center in Hankensbüttel is worthwhile. From there it goes along the Elbe Lateral Canal to Bad Bodenteich.

Along the canal and river from Bad Bodenteich to Lüneburg

The St. Johannis Church in Lüneburg, in the foreground historical gabled houses on the Sande © imago images/teutopress

The old town of Lüneburg attracts with many half-timbered houses and medieval brick buildings.

The seventh and final stage of the Weser-Harz-Heide cycle path begins in Bad Bodenteich. It mostly runs along the Elbe Lateral Canal to Uelzen and Bad Bevensen, crossing the canal several times. From Bienenbüttel the path follows the course of the Ilmenau and reaches Lüneburg after a total of 72 kilometers. If you have time, you should plan at least one night there to visit the medieval salt town. Both the regional train and the ICE stop in Lüneburg. However, the latter only takes bicycles with them after a reservation has been made.

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Further information

Peter Jagia in Hann.  Munden © Screenshot

8 Min

There are numerous tourist offers along the way. Already in Hann. Münden it is worth visiting Dr. Wolf’s Wunderkammer. 8 mins

Two cyclists ride along a sunny dirt road.  ©Screenshot

7 Min

On the way to Herzberg, you have to overcome 900 meters in altitude. 7 mins

Three cyclists ride side by side on a hiking trail.  ©Screenshot

8 Min

The third stage takes you past the Söse dam through the Upper Harz Mountains. 8 mins

Two cyclists lean against their bikes parked in a market square in an old town.  ©Screenshot

8 Min

This stage leads to Goslar, to the baroque castle of Liebenburg and to the ruins of the imperial palace in Werla. 8 mins

. © Screenshot

8 Min

Places worth seeing along the route are Wolfenbüttel and Braunschweig. 8 mins

Peter Jagla at the start with a pilot in the cockpit of a propeller plane.  ©Screenshot

9 Min

From the mill museum in Gifhorn it goes through the southern heath. One station is the Isenhagen monastery. 9 mins

Nordtour reporter Peter Jagla on his bike at Uelzen train station.  ©Screenshot

7 Min

A highlight of the seventh stage is the ship lift on the Elbe Lateral Canal in Scharnebeck. 7 mins

Two cyclists ride through salt marshes near Westerhever, with the lighthouse in the background.  © imago images Photo: Westend61

At Easter, the season for cycling trips begins again. Tips for beautiful day trips and tours lasting several days. more

Map: The Weser-Harz-Heide cycle route (rough course)

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