Home » by the end of the year the first 30 CAUs in Emilia-Romagna — Health

by the end of the year the first 30 CAUs in Emilia-Romagna — Health

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by the end of the year the first 30 CAUs in Emilia-Romagna — Health

Donini: “Innovative model for faster management of patients with low criticality. Let us pave the way in the country and accompany citizens along the path of change”

Active 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Objective: to immediately intercept less urgent needs and avoid access to the emergency room, where serious cases will be treated, reducing waiting times and improving effectiveness. Launch of the communication campaign, “Long live public health“: from billboards to social media, all the useful information to find out what’s new and find answers to doubts, also thanks to the online Questions/Answers section on the Region’s website dedicated to the reform

October 26, 2023 – “Long live public health”. A simple message, an important goal.

Within end of 2023 they depart in Emilia-Romagna i first 30 Assistance and Emergency Centers (CAU)which are part of the larger one reorganization of local primary care and the regional emergency-urgency system.

They represent the new model of enhanced territorial healthcare designed to respond to the great part of the needs and emergencies with low clinical and healthcare complexitythus relieving i Emergency room, where only the most serious cases are brought together. For faster and more appropriate management. I am territorial structures – at least one fully operational for each health district – equipped with medical and nursing teams adequately trained, who, when the process is completed, they will be active 24/7, with a catchment area between 35,000 and 75,000 inhabitants. L’objectivein fact, it is to guarantee all citizens the best care and a personalized care pathin quick times and without long waits.

Already illustrated throughout Emilia-Romagna through the territorial socio-health conferences and multiple meetings that the regional department for health policies has had with trade unions, health professionals and health and hospital companies, they are now being held to get to know citizens more closely, with the communication campaign.

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A campaign of comunication, also multimedia, ready to go from Wednesday 1st Novemberthat the Region has developed to explain how the CAUs work and what needs they respond to.

Addressed to the entire population, in five languages (Italian, English, French, Arabic and Chinese) explains the purposes of the reorganization, the characteristics of the new network, the activation timing, where the CAUs will arise and how they will function, and for which pathologies they are indicated. With a section Questions/Answers available online to clarify any doubts of citizens. The goal, in fact, is accompany people along this path of change and improvement of the regional healthcare systemtrying to reach everyone, with simple and clear information, using the many tools available.

“The Assistance and Urgency Centers – underlines the councilor for health policies, Raffaele Donini– they give a faster response to patients with low criticality, but the quality of management, service and care does not change. Indeed, we are convinced that this reorganization can further improve both the appropriateness and the times of taking charge, both for emergencies, which will continue to be managed solely in the emergency room, and for emergencies, which will find an adequate response in the CAU” .

“A profoundly innovative model is starting here in Emilia-Romagna – adds Donini – which could open a new path in the country, in a phase in which the national health service is forced to change, because its very survival is at stake . The communication campaign aims to accompany citizens along this path, which will be gradual, with all possible tools, from traditional to multimedia”.

Where the CAUs will be built, the map by province

I am 30 in total and receive CAU which will be activated throughout the regional territory by 2023. Some will be hosted in community homes, for others the current first aid points will be converted and for still others spaces will be set up adjacent to the emergency rooms.

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In province of Piacenza there are three CAUs: one in the Podenzano community house, one in the Bobbio first aid point and one adjacent to the Piacenza emergency room.

Four ones in province of Parma: two in the community homes of Fornovo and Langhirano and two adjacent to the emergency rooms of Parma and Fidenza.

Two in Reggiano: one in Reggio Emilia in the community house and one in Correggio in the emergency room which will be converted into a CAU.

In the Modenese there are three and all activated in the Finale Emilia, Castelfranco and Fanano first aid points.

A Bologna citizens will be able to contact the CAU in the community house in the Navile district or in Casalecchio di Reno. Two others will be activated in Budrio and Vergato, at the headquarters of the former PS.

A Imola It will be there futura Community house at the Vecchio hospital to host him.

Four those foreseen in Ferrarese and these too all in the community houses of Ferrara, Comacchio, Copparo and Portomaggiore.

Finally, nine for the Romagna and will be distributed as follows: five in the first intervention points of Cervia, Cesenatico, Mercato Saraceno, Cattolica, Santarcangelo, three adjacent to the first intervention points of Novafeltria, San Piero in Bagno, Santa Sofia, one adjacent to the Ravenna emergency room.

The communication campaign

An awareness campaign and an information campaign: this is how it is structured communication campaign starting on Wednesday 1st November on the occasion of the launch of receive CAU.

Al claim of the awareness campaign, “Long live public healthcomes alongside “Public health doesn’t stop”, the information message which has as its theme the reorganization of the emergency-urgency network and which will be declined from time to time to inform citizens on the various points of the reform and on the new methods of providing services.

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The red and the green, as the logo of the Emilia-Romagna Region, used in a fluorescent version to underline the urgency of the message, are the colors that characterize the campaign materials. And which, among other things, also correspond to two of the emergency room access codes. A QR Code point directly to the Services Guide of the regional Health portal, where it will be possible to acquire all the useful information.

Multiple tools have been developed: billboards, web, social media, TV and radio commercials, newspaper adverts. To reach citizens in a widespread manner in the circuits of healthcare facilities (hospitals, community homes, CAU, Urp, etc.), a information leaflet.

Designed to reach as many people as possible, it is in five languages: Italian, English, French, Arabic and Chinese.

A web page dedicated to the reform, with Questions/Answers on the CAU

A reform that opens the way to possible questions and requests for information. For example: How can I understand if I should go to the CAU or the emergency room due to my discomfort? If I go to the CAU, do I have to pay the ticket? Who will give me assistance in the CAU? How do you access it?

Precisely for this reason the Region he thought of a number of possibilities requests which is answered in the section Questions answersthat is to say Faq Frequently asked questions – questions asked frequently, within the web page dedicated to the reform of the emergency emergency system on the Region’s website which will be gradually implemented with all the useful information and material created for the communication campaign.

Finally, to raise awareness of similar experiences that paved the way for the CAU in some territories of the region (Ferrara, Comacchio and Cervia), the Council’s Information and Communication Agency has managed two specials, available online ( e https://www.regione.emilia-romagna.it/notizie/primo-piano/punto-di-primo-intervento-a-cervia).

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