Home » Cancer scandal: an expert explains what patients should be aware of now

Cancer scandal: an expert explains what patients should be aware of now

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Cancer scandal: an expert explains what patients should be aware of now

Cancer Scandal Is My Doctor Bought? star expert explains what those affected should now consider

Watch the video: stern expert explains what uncertain patients should now consider. More from Marco Klehn and Bernhard Albrecht 07/24/2023, 6:13 p.m

Cancer scandal in Germany: Current stern-Research shows how a group of pharmacists and investors apparently used dubious methods to buy medical practices and allegedly gained access to lucrative cancer prescriptions.

sternReporter Bernhard Albrecht now explains in the video what uncertain patients should look out for and whether the alleged criminal activities of the “Alanta Group” are an isolated case in the German health care system.


stern research The cancer scandal: how investors enrich themselves thanks to the help of pharmacists and doctors


You can read all the research on how investors enrich themselves with allegedly dubious methods and above all thanks to the help of pharmacists and doctors with the suffering of cancer patients at stern PLUS.


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