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causes and effective remedies Lots of Health

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Feel the swollen belly a few days before the menstrual cycle is a very common symptom in women suffering from PMS.

Sometimes it is just a nuisance, while in some cases the pain is very strong and accompanied by other symptoms such as a terrible headache. Find out in the article what are the causes of this disorder and what are the most suitable remedies to solve or alleviate the problem.

Why does my belly swell before period?

If your belly swells before your period, it could be PMS. It is not a disease, but a series of physical and psychological conditions due to the hormonal changes that the female body undergoes as menstruation approaches.
PMS bloating can be accompanied by many other symptoms:

  • weight gain;
  • breast pain;
  • irritability;
  • constipation or diarrhoea.

Sometimes it happens that you have a swollen belly before your period even if you take birth control pills. In this case it is better to consult your gynecologist, because it could be the wrong type of pill for our body.

Premenstrual syndrome afflicts 85% of the female population. In most cases these are short-lived annoyances, but in a percentage ranging from 2% to 10% the symptoms are so important as to significantly affect daily life.

How many days before period does the belly swell?

Having a bloated and hard belly before your period is a fairly common symptom, which need not worry at all. It is perhaps the most frequent ailment in women suffering from premenstrual syndrome.

But how many days before the period does the belly start to swell? It’s subjective. Some women start to swell as early as 20, 15 days before. To others just a week earlier.
However, if your belly is too swollen and sore before your period arrives, it is best to talk to your doctor about it. He may recommend that you take birth control pills to relieve your symptoms.

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Counteracting premenstrual bloating: here’s how

Relieving the discomfort of having a swollen belly just before the period is possible by following some food advice and using natural remedies.

Only in the most serious cases will it be necessary to resort to drugsafter having consulted your doctor of course.

Natural remedies

Here are some natural remedies you can use to relieve premenstrual bloating:

  • Follow a correct diet;
  • Don’t skip mealsleast of all breakfast: a fruit, a cup of milk and cereals, a yogurt are the most recommended foods. It’s best to avoid overeating at lunch and dinner;
  • Reduce the consumption of salt, which promotes water retention and increases the feeling of swollen belly;
  • Eat fruit and vegetables in season: fibers help against constipationa frequent problem in the periods preceding menstruation, and which worsen the swelling in the belly;
  • Use chasteberry supplements, a plant whose extract helps to rebalance prolactin, one of the hormones attributed to a swollen belly and premenstrual syndrome in general;
  • Before going to bed, drink an herbal tea made with anise, fennel and lemon balm. They help deflate the belly and speed up digestion.

Probiotic food supplements

The probiotic food supplements they are able to deflate the belly and bring the intestinal bacterial flora back into balance.

With a daily intake, you will forget the annoying feeling of having a swollen belly before your period.

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