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check the detail on the sticker before ingesting them

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check the detail on the sticker before ingesting them

Pay attention to the fruit you bring to your table, especially the pesticide-filled apples that we buy every day without being aware of it. That’s why you should check the sticker.

Apples full of pesticides, check the stamp – Nanopress.it

Before consuming apples, check the label: if this is not here, the fruit you are about to eat can be full of pesticides. Here is the detail that dispels all doubts.

Pay attention to the fruit you bring to the table

Doctors, dieticians and nutritionists have always repeated that it is necessary for our body to consume at least 5 servings of fruit and vegetables a day. In fact, the fruits they should never be missing from our table.

Everyone has some beneficial properties that help our body to regenerate naturally thanks to the acquisition of fiber, vitamins and mineral salts which should always be present in one healthy and balanced diet.

Among the most loved fruits in the world but also among those most consumed by Italians, there are bodies. However, some statistics have shown that these fruits, together with cherries, are the ones that come the most treated with pesticides.

Apples, beware of pesticides – Nanopress.it

Although the European Union expressed itself on the matter by forbidding the use of some products right on fruits and vegetables, most of the farmers do not respect the rules.

And here’s that therefore, fruits full of pesticides arrive on our tables. In the case of apples, however, you have the possibility to understand which ones you should buy and which ones you shouldn’t. Check the sticker before ingesting them.

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Apples full of pesticides: check the sticker before consuming them

Apples are among the most consumed products by Italians but also those, according to statistics, treated with dangerous pesticides. Ingestion of foods treated with chemicals and toxic substances it is obviously not a panacea for our body, on the contrary. The risk of endangering our health is really high.

Although the European Union has established rules doing a list of pesticides which cannot and must not be used when it comes to agriculture, however most producers do not comply with Community provisions.

So here we find ourselves buying more often on the market apples with pesticides without knowing it. Today, however, we want to reveal you a technique which will allow you to make an informed purchase.

Next time, before buying apples, check the sticker: if this is here, you can rest assured, it means that the fruit you are about to buy is safe and does not contain pesticides.

Apples with quality guarantee sticker – Nanopress.it

The stamp to which we refer is the one introduced by the European Union and is represented by the icon of a leaf surrounded by 12 stars. If you find this sticker on the fruit or even on the bag of apples you are about to buy, it means that it is products certified by the European Union and for which no pesticides of any kind have been used.

In all other cases, be wary, because the apples you bring home may be full of pesticides. How to get rid of these chemicals that are bad for your health? Just rinsing them in water is not enough but you have to create real solutions that can disinfect your fruits.

To stay calm, immerse your apples for 15 minutes in a basin containing water and two tablespoons of baking soda. The latter ingredient, that is a natural antibacterial and disinfectant, will eliminate up to 98% of chemical residues present on your apples allowing you to consume this tasty fruit in total safety.

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