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Christmas kilos: This is how you can maintain your weight between the years

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Christmas kilos: This is how you can maintain your weight between the years

The best tip for losing weight between the years is a detox treatment. In doing so, you detoxify the body of bad substances and lose weight at the same time. But you shouldn’t overdo it: If you want to achieve the longest-lasting and most sustainable effect possible, you should avoid a radical treatment. One-sided juice and raw food diets only have a short-term effect. The best way to achieve a long-term change in diet is to eat as wholesome foods as possible, such as vegetables and fruit.

After Christmas: Avoid certain foods

In order to detoxify successfully, you should avoid salt, sugar and ready meals for a short period of time. Animal fats found in meat and dairy products should also be removed from the diet for the short period between the years. High carbohydrate and starch intake should also be avoided if possible. Alcohol, coffee and black tea are also taboo.

Detox cure: Fresh foods help detoxify

For a short-term detox, you have to eliminate a lot of foods from your diet. But don’t worry: fresh foods, such as fruits and vegetables, legumes and nuts, replace the foods that are missing. You should also eat pseudograins, such as amaranth or quinoa, and chia seeds, as they are very filling. Small portions of oatmeal are also allowed.

Although sugar and salt are taboo, you can use vegetable oils and fresh herbs to prepare delicious and nutritious dishes. By avoiding salt and sugar, your sense of taste also changes. So you can start the new year with a great appetite for fresh vegetables and fruit.

Tip for the New Year: Light exercise supports detox

Moderate exercise is also part of a successful detoxification. Light endurance training, such as walks, easy jogging or Nordic walking, are not only good for the body, but you can also do them with family or friends.

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A bit of wellness is also part of a good detox. Treat yourself to a bubble bath, facial masks or hair treatments to do something good for your body from the outside.

This is how you stay fit in the long term

Until December 31st You can give your body a well-deserved rest with fresh and healthy food, lots of exercise, lots of water and relaxation. By detoxifying you will eliminate water retention, which will help you lose some weight and feel better overall.

To ensure that you start the new year healthy and active, you can continue the program so that you will soon be in top shape again.

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