Home » Cold? Grandma’s remedies never fail to combat seasonal ailments

Cold? Grandma’s remedies never fail to combat seasonal ailments

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Cold?  Grandma’s remedies never fail to combat seasonal ailments

Colds are one of the most common ailments. Here are some practical tips to combat the first ailments of the season.

Summer is officially over, and we can finally say goodbye to too high temperatures. After all, there are those who like the heat, but also those who find it unbearable. Finally, the cooler and milder temperatures are making room.

cold (web)

In fact, t-shirts and shorts give way to heavier clothing. However, despite the beauty of the autumn, the changes of season also have downsides. The sudden changes in temperature, in fact, can cause some problems to our health.

Changes in temperature and ailments

So we have now reached autumn, a truly beautiful season. However, as mentioned previously, we have a dancing climate. In the early morning the temperatures are quite low, then gradually they tend to increase. So early in the morning it seems almost winter, in the central hours, however, it is still warm.

An existential dilemma arises: how do I dress? It is not a purely aesthetic question, but health also comes into play. In fact, if I dress in too heavy clothes in the morning, I risk getting hot and sweating in the following hours. Conversely, if I go out in the afternoon, dressing in light clothes, I could feel cold if I come home after sunset.

The result? I get at least a cold.

Natural remedies to fight colds

So let’s go see a series of natural remedies to fight colds, or at least alleviate this annoyance.

Before starting, it is good to keep in mind that you have patience. The cold, in fact, as it arrives so it goes away. However, it will take a few days to get rid of this ailment.

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Let’s now move on to the real practical remedies.

Blow your nose often and in the right way

When you are cold it is very important to blow your nose often in order to clear the nostrils. However, you have to be very careful and don’t blow too hard, as the pressure could cause ear pain.

Drinking hot drinks

Here come the grandmother’s remedies. Drinking hot drinks is very helpful in fighting nasal congestion and dehydration.


If you have a sore throat, it can be really helpful to gargle. A tablespoon of salt dissolved in hot water can also work. Or you can opt for a gargle based on honey and apple cider vinegar.

gargle (web)

To rest

Last but not least we must mention the most important remedy: rest. The cold weakens you and deprives you of the necessary strength to face the days. Therefore you have to rest a lot of time, in order to give your body time to recover.

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