Home » Crazy tricks with your smartphone: you have no idea what you can do with photos

Crazy tricks with your smartphone: you have no idea what you can do with photos

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Crazy tricks with your smartphone: you have no idea what you can do with photos

We are sure that you know how to use your mobile phone to the fullest, but these tricks that we are about to reveal to you could change your life.

What makes the world of mobile telephony decidedly fascinating today is not so much the continuous evolution of the technical characteristics of the new telephone models (which in any case exerts a certain fascination on techno enthusiasts), but the possibilities that these smart devices offer thanks to app that we can install and that are managed by the operating system, be it Adroid o iOS.

These tricks to use in your phone’s photo gallery are amazing – Ilovetrading.it

The geeks of us study every feature of the phone they buy and are able to work on it too recovery menu system to fix some temporary bug or malfunction. Most of us, on the other hand, learn to use the primary functions and over time add knowledge about some apps that can be useful in everyday life.

Precisely the possibility of always learning new things on our favorite electronic devices is what has allowed so many kids to find a career path as an influencer or if you prefer content creator tech. These figures publish content on smartphones and iPhones daily that is of great use to thousands if not millions of people.

iPhone hacks: here’s what you can do with photos

For those who want to know more about their own iPhone but he has neither the time nor the desire to find out personally, Eleonora Viscardi is certainly one of the most prosperous content creators. The young influencer and tech expert mainly shares content about Macs and iPhones, but from time to time she also pleases Android smartphone owners. You recently posted a very helpful video about some of the iPhone’s gallery features.

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Here’s how you can speed up all the changes to your photos – Ilovetrading.it

The first trick concerns the possibility of extracting a subject from a photo and using it as an emoticon on instant messaging platforms, you give the example of WhatsApp. To make him choose a photo, click on the figure and keep your finger on it, helping yourself with the other fingers or with the other hand, enter a chat of WhatsApp and after selecting the writing bar leave the image. Once done, not only can you use it as an emoticon with who you’re talking to but you can save it as a favorite.

Another interesting trick concerns the photos to download. The content creator shows us that once we open a web page we can hold our finger down on a photo to create a selection of photos to download. Still keeping our finger on the image, with the other fingers we can select all the photos we want and add them, simply by touching them, to the first one selected. In this way, once a folder has been opened or a new one has been created, we can deposit them all together at once.

Finally, holding your finger on a single photo within a folder also allows us to apply collective action to all the photos present in the same. In the video in question, the content creator shows us that we can remove the background from all the photos without having to repeat the action for each of them, but the same also applies to all the other changes applicable to the photos in the gallery.

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