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Dear bills, endocrinologists: “With summer time all year round + 20% diabetes and obesity”

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Dear bills, endocrinologists: “With summer time all year round + 20% diabetes and obesity”

Adopting permanent daylight saving time, maintaining it throughout the year, would alleviate the effects of high bills, but it would also pay a price in terms of health: the risk of diabetes and obesity could increase by a fifth, the experts of the Society warn. Italian Endocrinology (Sie), gathered in Naples from today to 10 September for the Italian Encounters of Endocrinology and Metabolism.

And give Usa

From the United States, where already last March with the Sunshine Protection Act Democrats and Republicans agreed to ask for the extension of summer time 365 days out of 365, the first data on the health impact of this choice. Some studies – informs the scientific society in a note – highlight that “darker mornings and brighter evenings could have negative effects on the amount of sleep and consequently also on the danger of obesity, overweight and metabolic diseases such as diabetes, with deleterious effects also on the heart “.

“Keep the summer timetable – he says Annamaria Colao, president of Sie and full professor of endocrinology at the Federico II University of Naples – would make it possible to avoid all those disturbances deriving from alterations in the circadian rhythm due to the passage of summer time / solar time, which concern a large segment of the population. The impact could be especially positive on children who would enjoy an extra hour in the open air and thus get more exercise. But in the face of these benefits, permanent daylight saving time can be not very synchronous with the biological clock and therefore prove to be deleterious, increasing the danger of negative consequences on metabolism and the cardiovascular system by up to 20% “.

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Among the problems there could also be that of an increase in cases of insomnia. “Re-evaluating studies conducted by comparing people who live on the East and West ends of the same time zone – explains Colao – it was realized that those who live close to the westernmost time zone and therefore in a situation more similar to that which would occur with the introduction of permanent daylight saving time, on average he sleeps less. Data from the American Time Use Survey, for example, refer that in the West you rest about 20 minutes less every night, or you sleep 115 hours less a year; you are more likely to have insufficient sleep, less than 6 hours a night, and all this translates into a 3% decrease productivity, with an 11% higher chance of being overweight and 21% more likely to experience obesity and diabetes. The risk of heart attacks also rises by 19%, while that of breast cancer rises by 5% ” .

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According to the expert, “these data suggest that something similar would also happen making the daylight saving time permanent in our country. In fact, the brightest evenings, for their part, would be less similar to the human biological clock that needs darkness in the evening. to produce melatonin and for adequate rest. It is possible that it has even more health benefits to make the solar time permanent, which at least on paper seems more in sync with our biological clock. Certainly, however, it is time to ask ourselves on the advisability of choosing a fixed time for the whole year. Further studies will certainly help to understand whether it is better for health to choose winter or summer time “.

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