Home » Deep hypnosis for eating disorders dr phil. Elmar Basse

Deep hypnosis for eating disorders dr phil. Elmar Basse

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Deep hypnosis for eating disorders  dr  phil.  Elmar Basse

Hypnosis for Bulimia, Binge Eating and Anorexia | Practice for hypnosis Hamburg Dr. phil. Elmar Basse

Dr. phil. Elmar Basse | Hypnose Hamburg

In his practice for hypnosis in Hamburg, the hypnotherapist and naturopath for psychotherapy Dr. phil. Elmar Basse has also had eating disorders for many years, including bulimia and binge eating, but also anorexia. According to Elmar Basse, it may surprise many people who are interested in hypnosis that hypnosis treatment can also be used successfully for eating disorders. According to Elmar Basse, hypnosis is very commonly associated with topics such as quitting smoking and losing weight. In fact, clinical hypnosis, as used by Elmar Basse in his practice for hypnosis in Hamburg, is a healing treatment. It is designed to be used to treat mental disorders with pathological value, explains hypnotherapist Elmar Basse. Eating disorders undoubtedly belong to these mental disorders with pathological value. With these, it’s not “simply” about eating too much or too little, but that eating behavior is closely related to psychological processes, especially emotional stress, explains Elmar Basse from the practice for hypnosis in Hamburg.

However, according to Elmar Basse, what has just been described also applies to issues such as quitting smoking and losing weight. These aren’t just “habits” or whims that generally only require a bit of willpower and perseverance to break. The hypnotherapist Elmar Basse knows that of course there are people for whom it works the same way: one day you make the decision to stop smoking or to eat less, and then stick to it.

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According to Elmar Basse, however, the only thing that can be said about this is that people are different. Each individual has its own requirements and conditions. They shape his behavior and his experience. Admittedly, it may be cheap to want to instruct others according to the proviso: look here, I just made it, so you can do it too! But that is a false conclusion, says the hypnotherapist Elmar Basse from the practice for hypnosis in Hamburg. Because everyone has their own life to live, in which they are confronted with their own challenges. One person may do something well and easily in a certain area of ​​life that others find difficult. However, it cannot be ruled out that there may be problems in his life that are directly related to this and that others do not have. That’s why, according to the hypnotherapist Dr. phil. Elmar Basse usually makes little sense simply wanting to copy a certain behavior pattern of another person, since one does not immediately know what price he has to pay deep down for exhibiting this behavior pattern.

To name just one example, according to Elmar Basse, it is the case that quite a few people who have successfully stopped smoking with willpower have acquired other problematic behaviors to compensate for this, but this is perhaps not mentioned.

In any case, the hypnosis treatment of smoking and obesity is also a healing treatment, just like the hypnosis treatment of eating disorders, because, as the hypnotherapist Elmar Basse explains, it is always about healing processes in the connection between body, soul and spirit to set in motion.

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Doesn’t experience often make the difference? Clients benefit from the daily, intensive work that Dr. phil. Elmar Basse practices with hypnosis and which has brought him a great deal of experience.

In his practice for hypnosis in Hamburg, the non-medical practitioner for psychotherapy Elmar Basse has been offering clinical hypnosis and hypnotherapy for many years. Clinical hypnosis at Elmar Basse can help with a wide range of issues. These include, among other things, smoking cessation and weight reduction, but also the treatment of fears and pain and much more. Interested parties are also welcome to contact Elmar Basse by telephone or e-mail to inquire whether their concerns can be treated with hypnosis. The appointment can be made by telephone. However, there is also an online appointment calendar available on the Internet, via which appointments can be made directly electronically.

dr phil. Elmar Basse – Hypnosis Hamburg | Psychotherapy practitioner
Elmar Basse
Colonnaden 5
20354 Hamburg

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