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do you know why you have to stay away from low cost clinics?

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do you know why you have to stay away from low cost clinics?

Live healthy and with a perfect smile requires great attention. The Italians are well aware that, between professional dental hygiene and interventions, they pay out an average of 600 euros a year (data Compass Observatory). An expense, that for dental care, generally considered expensive but at the same time indispensable, which is often supported through various forms of financing. There is then who, to take care of their teeth, go to low-cost clinics to reduce costs (and times), with results that are not always satisfactory.

In this article

Dental care is the most expensive medical expense

Dental care is one of the most expensive medical expenses. «When an MRI is done in hospital, the ticket is only a small part of the overall cost of that exam and it seems that it is “cheap”, only because in reality we have already paid for it in advance with taxes. But when he goes to the dentist, the patient bears the entire cost and, by paying from his own pocket, he perceives the impact on his personal budget much more,” he says Mario R. CappellinDirector of the homonymous Clinic and professor of Ergonomics and Dental Disciplines at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia.

The average annual cost of care dental is 760 euros

For those who have undergone an operation in the last 12 months the expense for dental care was of 760 €, down by €100 compared to 2018. Figures that are not insignificant, but which 7 out of 10 Italians do not want to give up, as underlined by the Compass survey. After all, a smile is always the best calling card, so it is worth taking care of your mouth and teeth to feel confident and at ease.

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Who do Italians turn to for dental care?

In Italy, a dentist is forever. 74% are loyal to their specialist, known through family, word of mouth among friends or corporate agreements. In general, patients turn to private practices, even if the centers within polyclinics and the chains that offer the possibility of paying in installments/financing the treatment plan are growing strongly. Then there are those who go in to take care of their teeth low-cost clinics, with results, however, not always satisfactory.

Teeth: do you know why you need to stay away from low cost clinics?

The reasons for that dissatisfaction reside in disappointing or short-lasting results. And the reason is not to be found in poor quality materials. «A pencil can be used by a furniture supermarket salesman or by an architect specializing in interior design, but the final effect of the project will be very different», adds Dr. Cappellin.

«Low-cost facilities save on doctors. Reducing the assistance staff to a minimum worsens the service in general, because there is a lack of someone who can take care of the patient not only during the operative performance, but throughout his therapeutic and relational journey”. Even and above all in case of emergencies, only once well organized structure is able to receive the patient in the same day for solve the problem in a short time.

Investing in cutting-edge technologies increases costs

Quality dental care comes at a price, but the advantages are many, primarily for performance. «As far as fixed costs are concerned, it is clear to everyone that investing in cutting-edge technologies increases costs, but also guarantees the possibility of accessing innovative techniquesoften less invasive and/or with shorter execution times», continues the expert.

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There is then the experience aspectwhich must be positive for the patient. «Even the care of large, bright and welcoming environments involves higher costs; scientific studies correlate the efficiency, motivation and quality of work to the pleasantness of the working climate and environment, which is in turn influenced by design choices and architectural ergonomics».

Prevention is the best way to save

Everyone knows that health is a precious commodity and therefore investing in quality care is always the best choicenot only for themselves, but also to support all those who commit themselves daily to be faithful to the medical vocation they have chosen.

Carry out periodic checks and at least one professional hygiene session per year allows you to identify any dental problems before they become too serious and involve very demanding treatments in terms of time and from an economic point of view. Prevention is therefore the best way to save money, but if you find yourself in difficulty, here are some tips from Dr. Mario R. Cappellin to spend less.

How to save on caries care

The first way to save on tooth decay is identify them as soon as possiblecarrying out periodic checks (at least once a year, preferably once every 6 months in the case of patients who are very prone to caries). “The other piece of advice, as a professional, is carefully choose the material to reconstruct the tooth. Better to spend a little more immediately to have an inlay in ceramicwhich is resistant, biocompatible and does not change over time, either in terms of color or size».

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How to save on a devitalization

Root canal treatment (also called root canal treatment or endodontic treatment) is a complex therapy, which requires a lot operator experience and skill. “It is therefore indispensable invest your resources wiselybecause a well done devitalization is the basis on which every reconstruction is based and therefore it must be as reliable as possiblewhich is not compatible with low prices or extremely cost-saving: it would be like building a house by saving on the foundations and risking the collapse of the entire house».

How to save on bone reconstructions

Bone reconstructions, GBR and maxillary sinus lift are the most complex operations in dentistry, for which a very experienced and trained surgeon is needed. «It is good not to save on these services, because the complications in case of failure they are serious and they can compromise not only the result, but also create damage to general health, not just that of dental care”.

How to save money to rehabilitate an entire arch of fixed teeth

We see many promotional “offers” (among other things prohibited by a recent law from the end of 2018 which prohibits the inclusion of promotional characters in health information) advertising discounted prices for fixed teeth and entire dental arches on implants. “My advice is: better to have a high quality provisional than a low cost permanent. Ask the dentist to estimate the temporary prosthesis and the definitive one in two different moments, so that you can immediately have your teeth fixed for chewing and being able to defer spendingfacing after several years that of the definitive prosthesis».

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