Home » Drug resistance, over one million deaths in 2019. The Lancet Global Health estimate

Drug resistance, over one million deaths in 2019. The Lancet Global Health estimate

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Drug resistance, over one million deaths in 2019. The Lancet Global Health estimate

The antimicrobial resistance (AMR) represents one of the most significant threats to public health and modern healthcare, so much so that in Europe in 2019 it was associated with a notable increase in the death rate. A study, published in the journal The Lancet Global Healthconducted to scientists from the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) at the University of Washington School of Medicine, the Oxford Center for Global Health Research, and the Center for Tropical Medicine and Global Health.

78 signatures contributed to the scientific article, in which they were examined 23 bacterial pathogens and 88 pathogen combinations, using data collected in 53 European countries, all part of the World Health Organization. The aim of the survey was to evaluate the mortality associated with antimicrobial resistance. “Several previous studies – say the experts – have highlighted some difficulties in estimating the extent of the problem and its effect on human health and mortality. Our study presents the most complete set of regional and national estimates of the antimicrobial resistance burden in the European regions part of the WHO ”.

In particular, according to what emerges from the analysis, in 2019 it would have occurred over one million deaths related to the 11 infectious syndromes with lethal outcomes considered by the research group, 0.9 million were then related to bacterial agents resistant to antibiotics. “We estimated 541,000 deaths associated with bacterial AMR and 133,000 deaths attributable to the problem – reports the team – seven pathogens were considered responsible for about 457,000 deaths, with Escherichia coli e Staphylococcus aureus which were among the most significant threats “. In total, more than one million deaths.

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The survey also shows that in countries where action plans were established to tackle the problem, the recorded antimicrobial resistance burden was lower. “The high levels of resistance for different bacterial agents and combinations of pathogens and drugs – conclude the authors – highlight that antimicrobial resistance represents a serious challenge and a growing threat to public health. We hope that our work will stimulate the adoption of adequate countermeasures. Among these, we suggest for example the possibility of adopting an efficient monitoring system, of improving hygiene levels and widening the possibilities of access to vaccines ”.

Valentina Di Paola

I study

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