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Eating a savory breakfast improves your day and can even change your life

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Eating a savory breakfast improves your day and can even change your life

We know how important it is to have breakfast, the first meal of the day, but eating sweet foods as soon as you wake up isn’t always healthy: what you’re about to discover will change your life!

Maybe you’ve read somewhere that the more we eat at breakfast, the more calories we “burn” during the day, because a good breakfast helps you lose weight. Or the other way around: Meal skipping can be beneficial since you can “burn” more calories during the day. And some say that eating a proper breakfast can improve cognitive abilitiesattention, memory, some executive functions or processing speed.

Where is the truth? Yes, breakfast is the first meal of the day, even if for many of us it consists only of a coffee, and there are those who do without it. Early morning rush and lack of planning are some of the reasons that make it so difficult to sit down and eat a good breakfast.

Savory breakfast: the advantages of not eating sweets

The mistake is undoubtedly don’t eat breakfast at all in the morning, but also eating sweet and sugar-rich foods immediately, as soon as you get out of sleep, according to some nutritionists is not a good deal. The cells of the body invaded by an excess of sugar age earlier, the skin is affected and the formation of wrinkles is promoted. That’s why make one savory breakfast it can change your life.

Savory waffles with egg and bacon (buttalapasta.it)

So a series of experts point the way: do the protein breakfast or salty food every day and consuming less sweet foods high in sugar and low in nutrients also improves cognitive performance, attention, memory and performance in general. In addition to making us avoid glucose spikes.

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In fact we need to be careful, we need to make the right distinctions. It appears that mental performance is improved by including non-carbohydrate foods as well with a low glycemic index, that is, they cause a minor increase in blood sugar. To get beneficial effects, we should consume foods rich in fiber such as vegetables, greens, nuts or whole grains.

Although, in any case, the benefits will depend on the amount we consume. The increase in blood sugar will be greater the more food we consume. Jessie Unwearedbiochemist and expert on the effects of nutrition on health, better known as @glucosegoddess on Instagram, where she has more than a million followers, recently explained in her book “The glucose revolution”, published by Vallardi, that we need to learn how to eat Well.

And it starts right there healthy breakfast, but not only that, lifestyle is fundamental. You have to exercise, walk, play sports, burn calories and avoid a sedentary lifestyle. And then keep in mind that ingesting glucose, therefore sugars, even when our body doesn’t need them, causes the formation of free radicals and the transformation of the same glucose into fat.

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