Home » Empty calories and sickening: These foods are harmful to your health

Empty calories and sickening: These foods are harmful to your health

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Empty calories and sickening: These foods are harmful to your health

1. Processed meat products

Bratwursts, bacon, cold cuts and many types of meat are not particularly healthy. This is mainly due to the high proportion of saturated fatty acids and chemical preservatives, the consumption of which leads to cardiovascular diseases.

But the sausage has other messes waiting for it. As Daniela Krehl, nutrition consultant from the Bavarian Consumer Center, explains, the high salt content also contributes to the fact that bratwursts, but also processed meat products in general, are not exactly healthy.

Curing salt, sodium nitrite, in particular proves to be problematic: “When heated and frying, nitrosamines are formed, which are carcinogenic. This applies to red sausages, for example.” The smoke that arises during the frying and grilling process is also unhealthy. It contains polycyclic flavoring substances that can also be carcinogenic.

If you want to eat meat, you should eat uncured products without nitrites and pay attention to organic quality.

2. White flour products such as white bread and cookies

In order to digest these foods, the body needs vitamins and minerals. Since these are not contained in white flour products, the body has to draw them from its supply. According to the Center for Health, if a person consumes a lot of white flour products and few vitamins and minerals in the long term, they may become deficient in these nutrients.

Furthermore, white flour is a concentrated carbohydrate that the body converts into pure sugar. This causes blood sugar levels to skyrocket after consuming white flour products. The pancreas then has to work properly and produce insulin in order to lower it again. The massive fluctuations in blood sugar levels also cause food cravings, which can lead to obesity and consequently cardiovascular diseases.

Experts therefore recommend consuming pasta, rice and bread as whole grain instead of white flour variants.

3. Canned tomatoes and other canned goods

Canned tomatoes are actually not that unhealthy because, for example, they contain significantly more lycopene than fresh tomatoes. This secondary plant substance is not only responsible for the red color, but is also very healthy. Because it is an antioxidant that scavenges free radicals, strengthens the immune system and even reduces the risk of cancer. According to Daniela Krehl, the problem lies in the can itself. “The inner coatings contain bisphenol A, which passes into the food.”

The chemical interferes with the hormonal balance and can lead to developmental problems in children. Infertility and cancer are also linked to this. “Unfortunately, this applies to most cans, because the industry has not yet found any alternatives,” explains Krehl. “Uncoated cans are also not a solution because, for example, tin gets into the can, which is toxic.” It’s best to use products in glass jars.

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4. Tuna, swordfish, salmon – and other types of fish

Fish is healthy and should be on the menu at least once or twice because of its content of healthy omega-3 fats and iodine. But some types of fish are heavily contaminated with mercury. “Old and large fish in particular store a lot of it – this includes swordfish and tuna,” explains Krehl.

How high the concentration of this heavy metal is depends not only on age and species, but also on the respective fishing area. Although the EU sets limit values ​​for fish, pregnant and breastfeeding women in particular should avoid consuming these species, as mercury is highly toxic and can cause serious harm to unborn children and babies.

Caution is also advised with fish from aquaculture – for example salmon. It is often heavily contaminated with antibiotics and pesticides that are added to the feed.

5. Rice and rice products

Rice is considered a light and easy-to-digest food. But white rice in particular that has been peeled and polished hardly contains any valuable ingredients. These are in the shell. Therefore, the healthier option is whole grain rice, which is rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals.

6. Energy and protein bars

Protein and energy bars are usually not as healthy as many would like to believe. In fact, the bars often consist of industrially processed soy or milk proteins, refined sugar, sweeteners, hydrogenated fats and artificial flavors, writes the Center for Health. All of these ingredients can cause chronic diseases.

Energy bars made from natural ingredients such as nuts and dried fruits (organic quality are best), however, are recommended and much healthier. You can also make these yourself.

7. Donuts – and other baked goods

Now let’s come to the well-known classics. Donuts, also known as Berliners or pancakes, are one of the Germans’ favorite pastries and are particularly popular during the carnival season. Apart from sugar, fat and white flour, this pastry contains no nutrients and is therefore not inherently healthy. In addition, it also contains toxins. Krehl explains: “Donuts are usually baked in cheap palm oil – this creates fatty pollutants that are carcinogenic.” For example, 3-monochloropropanediol fatty acid ester, called 3-MCPD for short.

Since many baked goods, spreads and snacks contain palm oil, the tolerable daily intake can quickly be exceeded, especially for children. That’s why the Bavarian Consumer Center is calling for binding maximum levels for 3-MCPD in vegetable fats, oils and baby food to be set across Europe, explains Krehl.

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8. Microwave popcorn

Ready-made popcorn that you just put in a bag in the microwave is practical, but extremely unhealthy. Depending on the variety, it contains huge amounts of salt or sugar, hydrogenated fats and flavor enhancers, such as the butter flavoring diacetyl. Even small amounts of it attack the lungs.

The substance caused a scandal in the USA years ago because factory workers who were exposed to diacetyl vapors on a daily basis developed bronchiolitis obliterans, which irreversibly scars and narrows the lungs. The disease went down in history as so-called popcorn lung and recently hit the headlines again in connection with e-cigarettes. Diacetyl is not only found in popcorn or flavored e-cigarettes, but also in snacks, baked goods, ready meals, baking mixes and margarine.

9. Sweets

They knew this moment would come – of course, sweets are also extremely unhealthy. Chocolate, rubber toys and other sweet treats contain huge amounts of sugar, the frequent consumption of which can cause numerous diet-related diseases such as overweight, obesity, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.

Meanwhile, sweets do not contain any nutrients that our bodies could benefit from. That’s why the body has to rely on vitamins and minerals from its stores when metabolizing all the sugar, since the sweets don’t provide them. There is a risk of a shortage in the long term. We also run the risk of having a craving attack due to rising blood sugar levels.

Homemade chocolate, for example from cocoa butter, organic coconut oil, cocoa and honey, is a healthier alternative.

10. Chips and fries – starchy, heated foods

French fries and chips are among the favorite snacks of many adults and children and are therefore often consumed. Fries in particular often end up on our plates as a side dish. But these potato products are massively harmful to health. Studies have shown that regular consumption two to three times a week doubles the risk of death. This is not only due to the high fat and salt content, which promotes cardiovascular diseases, but also because these products contain high amounts of acrylamide. This substance is carcinogenic and is produced when foods rich in carbohydrates are heated, such as when baking, roasting and deep-frying.

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According to consumer advice centers, potato products therefore contain particularly high quantities, as do biscuits, crackers, toast, crispbread and breakfast cereals. Children are particularly at risk because they can quickly absorb higher amounts of acrylamide based on their body weight. The good news: Since April 11, 2018, according to EU regulations, measures to reduce this substance in food have been legally binding, meaning that food manufacturers must adhere to certain limit values.

11. Soft drinks

Cola and other soft drinks are very popular among young people and adults. Unfortunately, they contain a lot of artificial flavors, a lot of sugar and, with their empty calories, contribute to the development of obesity and type 2 diabetes. According to the study, the risk of such diseases increases by eight percent if you consume more than 250 milliliters of a soft drink every day.

Soft drinks containing sweeteners aren’t much better either: they promote cardiovascular diseases. According to Daniela Krehl, the substitute substance aspartame is also harmful to the kidneys if consumed in large quantities.

12. Frozen pizza

Tear open the cardboard box and plastic packaging and put it in the oven. Nothing is easier than making frozen pizza. But in addition to a high fat and calorie content, frozen pizzas also contain many artificial flavors and flavor enhancers. In addition, pizza with salami poses a particular risk.

“The nitrite curing salt in the salami in conjunction with the cheese forms dangerous nitrosamines, which are carcinogenic,” explains Daniela Krehl from the consumer advice center. The combination of nitrite and amines is also found in squid pizza, anchovies, shrimp, and other foods such as Hawaiian toast.

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