Home » Ferrara, born preterm. Little Tommaso weighed only 900 grams, he is now fine and returns home after 4 months La Nuova Ferrara

Ferrara, born preterm. Little Tommaso weighed only 900 grams, he is now fine and returns home after 4 months La Nuova Ferrara

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Ferrara, born preterm.  Little Tommaso weighed only 900 grams, he is now fine and returns home after 4 months La Nuova Ferrara

Ferrara He weighed 900 grams, Tommaso, born preterm – 25 weeks – on February 27, 2023. From that day he lived his first 112 days hospitalized in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of the Ferrara university hospital, directed by Dr. Agostina Solinas, writes the Sant’Anna. He is fine now and owes everything to the professionalism and love with which he was assisted in the ward. «For over 4 months, the small and fragile newborn struggled daily overcoming numerous and very serious clinical problems, which gave all the medical and nursing staff a hard time and which kept the parents in suspense until his discharge on Monday 19 June – specifies the health company – Today Tommaso has reached the age of the term of gestation (he should have been born last week), weighs 3,300 grams and is fine. The checks and treatments will continue, but in these days we have finally been able to celebrate the great milestone of returning home”.

The emotion of all the staff of the department (doctors, nurses, psychologists, physiotherapists and OSS) was strong, especially after reading the two letters of thanks from the parents, transformed into pictures that were donated to the Operative Unit, underlines the Sant ‘Anna. «A story with a happy ending – comments Dr. Solinas – made up of good public health, professional commitment and passion for our work. Especially if recognized by those who have lived, as a parent, on their own shoulders, the most tiring of life’s journeys».

«They have been very difficult months – comments, moved, mother Martina – full of anguish and great concern. But also and above all of a lot of love. We have witnessed a real “fight for life”, not only by our son but also fought by all the staff of the department who never gave up at any time. A constant challenge that has been won. We have been called constantly to be informed about every aspect of our little one’s clinical journey: just think that Tommaso also received extreme unction. It’s an experience that he’s tried, but also taught us so much. Watching the staff of the department fight was our strength and led us to believe in it more and more».

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The hospital recalls that 7% of all those born in Italy (over 30,000 a year) are preterm, ie they come into the world before the 37th week of gestation. «They are children who are born with immaturity of the various organs and are all the more serious the more the delivery takes place in advance – concludes the company – These are extremely “fragile” newborns, who must be managed in highly specialized departments, by medical and nursing who must be adequately trained and specialized. This requires high skills, human and technological resources with modern equipment that is not interchangeable with other departments. All this combined with teamwork between all professionals and parents, who are constantly involved».

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