Home » Fertilizing with egg shells? Which plants like it?

Fertilizing with egg shells? Which plants like it?

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Fertilizing with egg shells?  Which plants like it?

Most people throw away the eggshells, which are very valuable to plants. You just need to know how to use them. Fertilizing with eggshells is very easy and inexpensive. It improves the soil and is a good source of lime for your indoor and garden plants. You can also use the eggshells as a seed jumper to ensure the seedlings get off to a good start.

Fertilizing with eggshells: which indoor and garden plants benefit from it?

Egg shells are easy to incorporate into plant care. You can either mash them roughly on the ground or crumble them into a fine powder and sprinkle it on the ground. Soaking the skins in water for a few weeks and watering your plants with them is another great way to give them the nutrients. Try this easy, homemade fertilizer and see what a difference it can make to your plants.

Use eggshells for houseplants

Fertilizing with eggshells -potted plants

Eggshells are a great way to give your houseplants a calcium boost by using the eggshell powder or watering them with eggshell tea. The following houseplants will benefit from this home remedy if they are fertilized with the home remedy.

spider plant: Also known as Chloropytum comosum, it is a wonderful plant that is very easy to care for. She likes acidic soil and benefits greatly from the addition of a few eggshells to her environment.

Usambaraveilchen: The Saintpaulia is a beautiful plant that produces beautiful purple and pink flowers in the right conditions and can bloom all year round. Since she only likes small amounts of eggshell fertilizer, use crushed eggshells or eggshell tea.

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Orchids: They are notorious for being difficult to cultivate. They need large amounts of calcium and potassium and they will thrive very well if you sprinkle crushed egg shells around their roots.

cacti: There are many different types of cacti, and they all need pretty much the same growing conditions. They are lime tolerant and eggshells are an excellent fertilizer for them. Use the eggshell powder by sprinkling it around the base of the plants to give them a good boost.

Kalanchoe: This pretty succulent has beautiful flowers and attractive glossy leaves. Being related to cacti, it also benefits from egg shell fertilization.

Wachsblume: It is famous for its beautiful flowers, which can be very lush if cared for properly. She likes alkaline soil, so adding crushed egg shells is a good idea to encourage it to thrive.

Ivy: The ivy is a beautiful plant for indoors and outdoors. There are many different subspecies, but they all have similar growing conditions and like eggshell fertilization.

Fertilizing with egg shells in the garden

Use egg shells for the plants in the garden

Eggplants, peppers, tomatoes and other plants are susceptible to blossom end rot caused by calcium deficiency. These vegetables can benefit from the crushed eggshells brought in directly over the roots. They replace the depleted calcium in the soil, protecting against this deadly disease. And the home remedy also helps to grow a tastier vegetable. You can use the eggshells for the following plants either as fertilizer or against certain pests.

eggplant: They come in a variety of shapes, sizes and colors. Fertilize them with egg shells to encourage growth.

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Tomatoes: Growing tomatoes with eggshell protects your plant from blossom end rot, increases the flavor of the fruit, and extends the tomato’s shelf life.

cucumbers: The lime in the egg shells naturally makes the cucumbers more crunchy, both raw and after pickling.

strawberries: Your strawberries will grow even better if they get the right nutrients. The eggshells provide calcium, potassium, and many other nutrients that are beneficial for growth. They contribute to the formation of larger flower buds.

Pumpkin: A surefire way to ensure your squash is getting the nutrients it needs is to place some crushed eggshells around the plant.

Cruciferous Vegetables: Egg shells are a great way to protect cruciferous vegetables from pests. Placing some coarsely chopped eggshells around your broccoli or cauliflower will deter slugs and slugs. You can also infuse the cruciferous vegetables with eggshell tea to give them a nutritional boost.

Leafy vegetables: Crunching up some egg shells and wrapping them around your green leafy vegetable plants can do a good job of protecting them. Not only the sharp edges keep the snails away, but also the high lime content, which is deadly for them but provides the plants with the necessary nutrients.

Which plants don’t like eggshells?

Which plants are lime intolerant?

Before using the eggshells as fertilizer, you need to know which plants are not suitable for this. An excess of calcium can cause many diseases in some plants. Do not use egg shells if you have azaleas, hydrangeas, gardenias, camellias, geraniums, magnolias, rhododendrons or red dogwoods in your garden as these plants are lime intolerant.

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