Home » From Casa Ronald Palidoro a special gift to the Pope (31/01/2023)

From Casa Ronald Palidoro a special gift to the Pope (31/01/2023)

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From Casa Ronald Palidoro a special gift to the Pope (31/01/2023)

Ronald McDonald Children’s Foundation, thanks to Assifero – the Italian Association of Foundations and Philanthropic Organizations – participated in the private audience with the Holy Father, on the occasion of the association’s twentieth anniversary celebrations (we talked about it here).

Among the over 280 people, members and partners of Assifero, welcomed in the Sala Clementina of the Vatican Apostolic Palace. Among them, even a delegation of Ronald McDonald Children’s Foundationrepresented by some social workers together with two host families at Casa Ronald McDonald Rome Bellosguardo and Palidoro whose children are being treated at the Bambino Gesù Pediatric Hospital, the Pope’s hospital. The delegation offered to the Holy Father a special gift: the original key to room 20 of the Ronald Palidoro housewhich is located on the sea in Fiumicino e where Pope John Paul II stayed. Casa Palidoro of the Ronald McDonald Foundation has hosted over 900 families since 2008.

The key has the profound meaning of opening one’s door to others, to those who are fragile, to those who come from afar, to those who suffer. The key recalls the mission of the Ronald McDonald Children’s Foundation which, for over twenty years, has stood alongside the pediatric hospitals of excellence in Italy and around the world and is committed to ensuring that seriously ill children and adolescents discomfort can face the period of therapy in the best possible way, and so that their families can be supported and actively involved in the care and assistance of their children.

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Nicholas Antonacci, President of the Children’s Foundation Ronald McDonald commented: «They are honored and grateful to Assifero for the extraordinary experience lived with the Holy Father together with our operators and families. This moment had great significance for us because it allowed us, once again, to recall the feelings that animate our mission. Giving the key to room 20 is not only a reference to the deeds of Pope John Paul II but also a symbol of openness towards others, of welcome, care and attention towards those – families and children – who need to be listened to and comforted».

Photos from the press office

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