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Gluteal amnesia, dead butt syndrome: how to reactivate it

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Gluteal amnesia, dead butt syndrome: how to reactivate it

It affects more and more people but it is not irreparable: the sleeping butt disorder has very specific causes, the method to remedy

With the passing years the habits of daily life have changed more and more. Especially starting from the Covid-19 period onwards. The pandemic has led to definitive mutations in ways of life, which have had repercussions in various sectors. From leisure to work, many people have taken on habits that previously were not part of the day and which almost always concern sedentary lifestyle.

When you were forced to stay at home due to the lockdown, you spent many hours of the day sitting. A practice that was accentuated when the smart working in many cases it has replaced the work on site. Inevitable that all this would lead to consequences on the body, less and less accustomed to movement. Some American studies have drawn attention to one of these in particular.

We talk about “dead butt”, i.e. literally sit dead. It is easy to understand what this term refers to. It happens to everyone to feel that, after a long time sitting in the same position, side B falls asleep, just like it happens to any other part of the body when it stays still for a long time without moving. A muscle problem that can also become important, but it is possible to fix it by following simple advice.

Firm and perfect buttocks? A dream of many, which however becomes increasingly unattainable due to the sleeping butt syndrome. Smart working, video games, pay TV and even simple laziness have contributed to making the muscles of the B side increasingly empty and flattened, practically asleep. A disorder that affects not only on an aesthetic level, but also on a health level. It won’t be long before the squashed position your butt is forced to endure for long hours leads to aches and pins and needles also quite annoying.

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What are the remedies for sleeping butt syndrome (tantasalute.it)

However, when sitting for a long time is essential, you need to follow the right precautions so that the buttocks can regain the muscle tone they have lost. First of all it is essential not to forget the breaks. Even if work forces you to spend hours and hours in front of the PC, just indulge a break at least every one or two hoursduring which it will be necessary to get up. In this way, the force of gravity will help the muscle to return to its natural position by reactivating itself.

Another very useful trick will be taking a few minutes to going up and down stairs. Even a few steps will be enough to allow the bottom to “wake up” and slowly regain the tone it has lost. And if these are the essential rules for the day, naturally too il workout it will be essential. Among the most effective exercises to counteract sleeping buttocks syndrome, obviously in first place there are the squats.

Squats: one of the remedies for sleeping butt syndrome – tantasalute.it

A basic workout that cannot be overlooked if you want to bring your butt back to its original shape, in its infinite variations. At the same time not to be overlooked either i Clamshell. The execution takes place lying on one side, with an elastic band placed over the knees and the hips opening outwards in turn. With perseverance and commitment, the buttocks will come back awake like they used to.

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