Home » Health data hurts, councilor Doria rejects the accusations (12/06/2023)

Health data hurts, councilor Doria rejects the accusations (12/06/2023)

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Health data hurts, councilor Doria rejects the accusations (12/06/2023)

The leader of the Democratic Party in the Regional Council, Gianfranco Ganau, maintains that «Councillor Doria presents a reality that exists only in the stories that are told in front of the mirror. In particular, he attributes the bad results, certified in the health field, as the result of the emergency situation linked to the pandemic, as if this had only concerned Sardinia. He denies the evidence of the difficulty in accessing treatment, evidenced by the endless waiting lists, citing alleged improvements only for some services. Once again he unloads the responsibility on the previous national and regional managements, as if the centre-right hadn’t governed the island for over four years. Attributes the data that places Sardinia in first place for extra-Covid mortality in 2021 to the seniority of the population, not bearing in mind that regions with older populations (Liguria and Calabria, for example) have had much lower mortality rates. Does not recognize the data ofagenas (the National Agency for Regional Health Services, ndr) That places Sardinia among the last regions for hospital and territorial assistance, not even reaching the levels of sufficiency».

The controversies, never so heated in the past on the Crenos Report, have forced the rector of the University of Cagliari, Francesco Molato take a stand. «As Rector I will always ensure that research is carried out with scientific rigor and in complete freedom. In the case of the Crenos Report, it seems clear to me that the methodology is robust and rigorous: the data is the result of research by Istat (a certified institute that follows extremely rigorous robustness procedures and which provides official data for the country and Europe) presented to Parliament. The processing techniques used to process those data and produce the research results are documented by the Institute itself and have been taken up by the Crenos researchers. In this process, the methodologies that are applied are not the result of an extemporaneous imaginative vivacity of male and female researchers, but derive from consolidated and “evaluated” practices by the international scientific community in the appropriate fora (scientific congresses, publications, review processes and anonymous evaluation and scientifically rigorous by the international scientific community,” Mola wrote in a note.

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Beyond the political skirmishes, it is now difficult to identify a trade association that does not have something to reproach the councilor Doria. «We have repeated it in recent months, asking what happened to the nine million euros to break down waiting lists in healthcareannounced by Nieddu (refers to Mario Niedduwho headed the Regional Department until last December, ndr) in September and confirmed by Doria in December», denounces the president of ACLI Salute, Salvatore Sanna, in a press release issued this afternoon. «We had signaled how urgent it was to make them available to Sardinian citizens. Now the national Court of Auditors confirms what we feared: our Region is penultimate in the ranking of the expenditure of additional resources for waiting lists. Apart from the disastrous performance of the Sardinia Region, which by the way it was also third last in the Lea disbursement ranking in 2021 published a few days ago by the Ministry of Health, what emerges from the data is that Sardinia had to spend this money by 31 December 2022. Not having done so, it probably lost it. If this were the case, it would be very serious because they are resources that were used to recover ordinary surgeries, cancer screenings and, above all, visits and diagnostic services, mammograms, resonances, CT scans. How it is possible, irresponsibly, to lose additional resources that could have been used to strengthen the public and with it the accredited private sector remains an unanswered question. We think that one of the causes of this unjustifiable inertia is linked to the replacement of those who were in charge of organizing the shopping to reduce waiting lists. A choice which, like so many others, proved to be short-sighted and harmful. And to say that, when we denounced and asked for an account of the lack of spending of resources to reduce waiting lists, we found ourselves faced with elusive answers that referred to past responsibilities instead of an evident current incapacity. Perhaps we should also expect in this case that the health commissioner questions the data and the scientific method used to collect them, as incredibly happened in recent days for the Crenos report. We ask that at least this time there are no excuses and misleading statements, but an assumption of responsibility and an immediate recognition of the additional resources to verify that they can be recovered in the second half of 2023″.

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Detailed accusations also rain down from the USB Confederationwho organized a sit-in at 10 in front of the“Businco” cancer hospital in Cagliari. “Cancer doesn’t go on vacation,” reads a note issued today signed by Gianfranco Angioni, USB health regional manager. «At the oncological Businco the organizational solutions are completely inadequate. In the meeting of 8 June convened by the general management – ​​the radiotherapy emergency is on the agenda – we highlighted the drama in which the entire hospital lives. We reiterated that the tragic problem of radiotherapy is only the tip of the iceberg, the operating theaters and wards are collapsing. The general manager of theArnas Brotzu, in addition to providing information, already preceded by the councilor’s declarations, asked the unions to become promoters and sensitize operators to be able to carry out additional services to increase radiotherapy sessions in the phase of technological reorganization. But the additional services, apart from the fact that they are not sufficient, cannot be the warm towel to be used as a bargaining chip to monetize the inconvenience and effort caused by the failure of others. We need stable and immediate hiring. And nothing can be improvised and left to chance».

No doubt, in short: as you can see, in Sardinia everything is booming.

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