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Heat and Stroke: Understanding the Risk Factors and Symptoms

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Heat and Stroke: Understanding the Risk Factors and Symptoms

When it’s extreme, does the heat cause strokes? Unfortunately, the answer is yes, because the conditions of risk are increasing. What the experts say.

The increasingly high temperatures with each summer season expose us to various health risks. Today we know that a stroke can also occur. Maybe the heat causes stroke, it’s a risk factor – InformazioneOggi.it

The days when it’s very hot, especially if we live in the city, are difficult to bear: especially if after over 40 degrees during the day you can’t sleep at night because the humidity is very high.

Over the years we have become accustomed to self-protection against the harmful effects of heat on the body.

Heatstroke they are only one of the consequences of prolonged exposure to high temperatures, but unfortunately it is not the only one. Here you are the warning of the experts.

Heat causes stroke, pay attention to symptoms and what to do if it happens

There is a not too thin line that divides the condition of oppressive and uncomfortable heat from the consequences of excessive overheating of the body.

Stroke occurs when there is an imbalance in blood flow to the brain

We have certainly all experienced the sensations due to the heat: weakness, perspiration, thirst, and a general sense of fatigue. When we have a heatstroke, however, things change: if the body temperature exceeds 40 degrees, defense mechanisms are triggered, but if we don’t act quickly we can suffer damage, even brain damage.

According to experts, the body in an attempt to lower the temperature reduces the blood supply and at the same time, you can manifest an increase in viscosity of the same. These are risk factors (also) for starting a stroke.

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As we know, in fact, this serious event occurs for various reasons, but it causes the same damage: an occlusion of cerebral arteries or cerebral hemorrhage. The cells that die due to this shock consequently cause various problems, more or less serious and sometimes even fatal.

The heat, therefore, is considered a risk factor for stroke as well as all others namely obesity, drug use, old age, smoking, and pathological cardiovascular problems.

It is, therefore, appropriate to be aware that a heatstroke combined with predisposing factors and perhaps excessive physical effort can trigger a stroke ischemic or hemorrhagic.

Some symptoms need to be known and interpreted correctly because in the event of a stroke, timely treatment remains essential. Learning to distinguish the onset of a stroke from heatstroke is very important and experts recommend calling 118 if we warn the following.

Severe headache, mental confusion and/or dizziness, loss of sensation in the limbs or a kind of “paralysis” that makes the mouth twist, and difficulty expressing words correctly and sensibly.

(the information in this article is for informational purposes only and concerns scientific studies or publications in medical journals. Therefore, they do not replace the consultation of a doctor or specialist, and should not be considered for formulating treatments or diagnoses)

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