Home » Heat stroke in cats: tips to prevent it

Heat stroke in cats: tips to prevent it

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Heat stroke in cats: tips to prevent it

Hot summer? Beware of pets. When the thermometer rises, the cat suffers and sultriness, heat strokes and burns are lurking for him too. Here are the very simple but effective behaviors to protect the health of our four-legged friends in order to limit exposure to high temperatures, facilitate cooling of the body and avoid dehydration.

In this article

Heat stroke in cats

What you need to know is that the cat does not sweat. Its thermoregulation occurs through a cooling system through glands scattered, not throughout the body like humans, but only in their footpads. That is why it is much more difficult for him to dissipate heat. As the vet explains Gabriella Tami, the average temperature of an adult cat varies between 38 ºC and 39.2 ºC. When you have heatstroke, it can even exceed 42 ºC.

What to do if you don’t feel well

If we notice the signs of a heat stroke in the cat like dull look, shortness of breathdifficulty walking or balancing and vomiting, let’s move it to a cool area and refrigerate it with a wet towel. Let’s quench it in small sips or making him lick an ice cube until he shows he’s better. In the meantime, contact your vet.

Heat stroke in cats: who are most at risk?

Il Ministry of Health highlights how the animals most at risk are:

i puppies; cats senior; the Persian race among the most sensitive to heat.

It is important for everyone to pay particular attention to the nutrition, hydration, home environment and physical activity of their feline friends. Here are the tips from Ultima Petfoodthe expert brand in pet nutrition.

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Food: guide to the right purchase

Digestible foods. Especially in sterilized cats, opt for easily digestible foods with an optimal supply of proteins, vitamins and minerals.
Top quality ingredients. Choose products made with top quality ingredients, free from dyes and preservatives, with excellent palatability.
Wet foods. They allow to vary the diet, to have an optimal nutritional benefit and are also an excellent source of hydration for cats.

Hydration: ice in bowls to stay cool

Hydrating is an imperative not only for humans. To be sure that the cat always has water available, in the summer it is good to place it multiple bowls of water in different places in the house. If we leave them alone in the house we put a couple of ice cubes inside so that its water stays cool. We can also leave a half-filled water bottle in the freezer overnight and wrap it in a towel before putting it in its bed: it will create a cool place to rest and provide relief.

Keep your home cool with a fan

It is also essential to keep the house cool. It can be done shading the environments holding the shutters down during the hottest hours, or by closing the shutters or lowering the awnings on the terrace in order to create cool shaded areas inside the house. If possible, that would be the case with avoid excessive use of air conditioning as dehumidifying and cooling the rooms in the house could increase the risk of colds and flu. A fan is preferable, always oriented upwards which moves the air and refreshes the spaces.

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Physical activity yes, but in the coolest hours of the day

Does the cat get lazy in the heat? It must be stimulated in physical activity, which is fundamental in the lives of our cats. Just resort to balls or toys to chase. Another way is to ration their food into small portions and place them in several rooms of the house, even at different heights to encourage movement. All tricks that, to avoid heat strokes, must be done in the coolest hours of the day. If we really have to go out, pay attention to the paws: let’s try to get him to walk on the grass of the flower beds or in the shade, avoiding the asphalt and, on the beach, the hot sand.

Make a popsicle for cats

There is also a creative remedy to satisfy the greedy palates of our four-legged friends while also helping them to cool off: i popsicles! Whether packaged or DIY, these treats are an optimal remedy for refreshing, but at the same time feed and hydrate our cats. Obviously, they have to be prepared with fruits and vegetables in season that your felines can consume without risk. Then they are blended with a little water and stored in the freezer in the special moulds. It doesn’t have to be a meal replacement, but a great fresh snack and nourishing.

Do not clip long haired cats

When it’s hot it’s easy to think that shearing the cat is a good idea. In reality, except in very rare cases, such as for surgical interventions or in the presence of diseases, this operation is unwelcome to the animal, which may feel discomfort or pain. In particular, it is not recommended in the summer: long-haired cats should not be shaved to “refresh” them, because the coat also protects them from the heat.

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