Home » Here are the 4 superfoods of 2023: what they are and all their properties: from Moringa which helps “prevent 300 diseases” to shiitake mushrooms

Here are the 4 superfoods of 2023: what they are and all their properties: from Moringa which helps “prevent 300 diseases” to shiitake mushrooms

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Here are the 4 superfoods of 2023: what they are and all their properties: from Moringa which helps “prevent 300 diseases” to shiitake mushrooms

As always, at the beginning of the year we bet on superfood most loved. And as always, predictions are obtained from social media trends: highly clicked, instagrammable and presumably fantastic foods, all with a common denominator: the richness of nutrients. Of course, according to science there is no single food capable of influencing well-being: the complexity of the human body and its reactions requires a well-balanced diet. But some ad hoc superfoods don’t hurt: we offer you a small selection with comments from Valentina Rossinutritionist biologist and researcher.

Coconut butter. For some years now it has enjoyed a certain fame for its pleasant and delicate flavour. The fact that it is solid below 25° shows that it is a saturated fat, but of a particular and non-fearsome type. “It contains medium chain fatty acids (MCFA)especially the lauric and caprylic acids. The former has antibacterial and antiviral properties, the latter fights candida infections. But cholesterol? According to various studies, it increases slightly but above all for the good fraction (HDL); the expert then highlights the usefulness of this fat for the prevention and treatment of neurodegenerative diseases. But it must be strictly virgin, i.e. produced without solvents – even better if organic. It can be used raw, to cook a bit of everything, first of all flans, but also to rinse against plaque or for cosmetic purposes.

Funghi Shiitake. Originally from Central Asia, they grow on wood and today, due to their fame, they are widely cultivated. Along with other mushrooms such as reishi, shiitake (Lentinus edodes) is in fact highly valued in traditional Chinese medicine, especially for the polysaccharide content. “In the last three decades”, summarizes a review of 20221, “the immunomodulatory effects of the various polysaccharides of L. edodes have been described” […]. “Numerous in vitro and in vivo studies conducted on animal and human models suggested that these glucans are usable as immunostimulants or immunosuppressants in many problems”. Research is inconclusive on the immune response, but the polysaccharides of shiitake are recognized anticancer, antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-cholesterol and immunostimulant properties. But there are also many studies on the possible risk of dermatitis caused by these mushrooms, especially if raw or undercooked.

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Moringa. In India, the land of origin of Moringa oleifera, all the parts of this plant are used, the seeds and leaves of which, in particular, are able for Ayurvedic medicine to “prevent 300 diseases”. The nutrient richness of the leaves, which arrive dried and pulverized in Italy, is undeniable. High is indeed the content of essential amino acids, vitamins of group Band still calcium, iron, zinc, potassium… “The leaves are rich in phytocompounds with antioxidant properties, able to protect cells from free radical damage and boost the immune system. They also have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Some studies recognize the leaves’ ability to regulate blood sugars and lipids, reduce blood pressure and fight ulcers. The powder obtained from it is indicated for the preparation of infusions or to enrich soups and salads. Try it in omelettes or to color fresh homemade pasta.

Hemp seeds. Tasty and versatile, they are available in the most varied forms: bars, spreads, sauces, oil and even a type of tofu. But it’s better to prefer them natural and peeled: they cost less than a good cold-pressed oil (which is easily perishable), or elaborate products; they are crunchy and have a good nutty flavour, and in any case very versatile and easily digestible. Their strengths? 20% complete protein, 20-30% fiber, 35% quality fat, protected from rancidity by vitamin E. “Hemp contains the valuable polyunsaturated fatty acids, including oomega 6 and omega 3 with a good balance (3:1 ratio), which help maintain healthy cholesterol levels and support immune function; they also contain gamma-linoleic acid, which contributes to good health”. There are also antioxidants and minerals such as magnesium, calcium, iron, potassium. Raw or freshly roasted seeds are delicious mixed with yogurt, salads, dips and smoothies, but also added to sweet and savory baked goods.


1. Roszczyk A, Turło J, “Immunomodulatory Properties of Polysaccharides from Lentinula edodes“

Int J Mol Sci. 2022 Aug 11;23(16):8980.

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