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High blood pressure, the secret to lowering it without taking drugs

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High blood pressure, the secret to lowering it without taking drugs

Do you suffer from high blood pressure? Follow these guidelines to lower it naturally. These are targeted and effective strategies.

Hypertension is a common condition among both men and women. There high pressure it can become a chronic disease, which is often described as a “silent disease”. In fact, there are no striking symptoms, but it can be very dangerous and in the most serious cases even potentially lethal if not treated properly.

Obviously, if you realize you have high blood pressure, you need to contact the medico, which will indicate the tests to undergo to find out the causes. In fact, high blood pressure is often a symptom of an ongoing disease, it is therefore very important to ask for the help of a specialist, in fact, once the cause is understood, he will be able to prescribe the most suitable treatment.

Is it possible to lower blood pressure without taking drugs?

In most cases it is a condition related to particular periods stress, but as mentioned it can also be the indicator of a more serious problem. So there’s no need to waste time. Timely intervention is the best weapon to counter the emergence of complications or more severe diseases. There prevention remains the most suitable tool, undergoing visits and periodic checks is essential, sometimes saving. But are there ways to lower blood pressure without resorting to drugs?

Nutrition plays an important role (tantasalute.it)

The answer is yes, but it must be reiterated that it is not advisable to rely on DIY, the peremptory rule is to contact a professional. But, in the meantime, it is a good thing to adopt strategies to favor the regularization of the same. In the first instance it is necessary to adopt one healthy and balanced diet.

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In case of high blood pressure, the consumption of salt should be reduced and the consumption of fruit and vegetables should be increased. These foods contain fiber, potassium, and antioxidants that help lower blood pressure. Then try to limit the consumption of foods rich in saturated fats and replace them with wholemeal ones, with foods with a low glycemic index.

Also hold the body weight under control it helps to maintain the ideal parameters, if you are overweight it is necessary to lose the extra kilos. We must not overlook the importance of carrying out a constant and adequate physical activityeven 30 minutes of walking a day is enough to benefit from the effects of physical exercise.

Lo stress as mentioned above it is among the most common triggers, for this reason it is necessary to engage in relaxing activities such as lo yoga and the meditation to get better and lower blood pressure. Alcohol and smoking should be banned, in fact they are risk factors for the onset and worsening of the condition.

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