Home » High blood pressure, what are the 6 fruits that can lower it: start eating them right away

High blood pressure, what are the 6 fruits that can lower it: start eating them right away

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High blood pressure, what are the 6 fruits that can lower it: start eating them right away

One of the most well-known problems of a human being is precisely high blood pressure. Research has recently been published that explains which fruits you need to eat to lower your blood pressure.

Today everyone is accustomed to the usual blood pressure checks, above all by means of specific technological devices. But when was the measurement of pressure born? It is thought that the very first device, designed to measure blood pressurewas born thanks to the doctor Santorio Santori who lived between the mid-16th and early 1600s.

the six fruits that lower blood pressure – internet.tuttogratis.it

In the following centuries a series of inventions followed, which improved the machine for measuring blood pressure more and more.

In the current era, in addition to technological machines and medicines, we also try to understand how to cure nutrition. For example what to eat in case of high blood pressure, or which food to eliminate from the diet.

The six fruits that lower blood pressure

More and more individuals are affected by hypertension, in fact one in 5 people suffer from this problem. Moreover, hypertension is one of the main causes leading to cardiovascular and heart diseases. Unfortunately, one of the triggers is the wrong diet.

the six fruits that lower blood pressure – internet.tuttogratis.it

Usually, high blood pressure happens because it happens a rather large volume of blood, while the heart is pumping. The reasons could be renal alterations, which do not allow the elimination of sodium from the human body. This means that those suffering from this problem must eliminate many foods that contain salt.

As for the 5 fruits to eat to lower blood pressure, red fruits are recommended: blackberries, blueberries, raspberries and sloes, as they are characterized by an acidic taste, are antioxidants and help prevent the arteries from aging. Another strongly recommended food it’s bananas, which are rich in potassium and therefore very useful for eliminating sodium from the blood. To obtain the wellness effect, it is enough to eat one banana a day. Even the kiwi contributes to the elimination of sodium from the blood, as well as providing fiber and antioxidant substances.

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Another essential food are pears, which provide fiber, vitamins and magnesium, as well as a large amount of water which is very useful for blood circulation. Then there are the apricots, which help to curb the advance of sodium in the human body. Furthermore, this fruit also carries a lot of water, in fact apricots are made up of 86% water. Finally, citrus fruits such as oranges and lemons cannot be missing, because they are antioxidants, prevent hypertension and help make the heart work properly.

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