Home » Home remedies for aphids on roses: rhubarb, tea & more

Home remedies for aphids on roses: rhubarb, tea & more

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Home remedies for aphids on roses: rhubarb, tea & more

Are you tired of seeing tons of lice on your beautiful roses every year? Although they seem to be a part of almost every hobby garden, they are quite a nuisance and certainly not pretty to look at, which is why gardeners are desperate to combat them. Are there home remedies that are really effective and not only prevent, but also act quickly in the event of an aphid infestation? The following home remedies for aphids on roses are definitely worth trying, because they have already pleasantly surprised and convinced quite a few hobby gardeners. Red aphid, black aphid, green aphid – soon there will be no more of them!

Sprays made from natural products for aphid control

One of the most well-known means is probably the detergent against aphids (dishwashing liquid, soap, curd soap and Co.). But there are plants with ingredients that can drive away pests in the garden naturally and, above all, in a way that is kind to the environment. In order to be able to use these useful substances, you have to make liquid manure or decoction or tea from the respective means. Depending on the plant, this works either by cooking or cold over a certain period of time. In the following we list the most popular and most effective broths, brews and teas as well as the mixing ratio to water to be able to use them as home remedies against aphids on roses. What helps against aphids?

Home remedies for aphids on roses – nettles for aphid infestation

Natural remedies for lice on rose shoots

Hardly any other plant works such wonders in the garden as the good old nettle. It is not only effective in the fight against annoying pests, but also for fertilizing. As a home remedy for aphids on roses, pour water into a bucket half filled with fresh nettle leaves until the plant parts are covered. The whole thing must then rest for at least two days, preferably covered (with a lid or net) so that no dirt can get in in the meantime. You will receive an aphid spray that you can spray undiluted over the entire plant to combat it.

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Use black tea against aphids

Home remedies for aphids on roses - Black tea or coffee for aphid infestation

Another natural remedy for aphids is black tea. It is the tannins contained that the lice cannot tolerate, similar to coffee. Boil 500 ml of water and steep two tea bags of black tea in it for about 15 minutes. Then remove the bags and allow the tea to cool. With the help of a spray bottle, you can use the home remedy for aphids on roses directly, even on more sensitive plants.

Fight lice on roses with coffee

Coffee can be used both preventively and in case of a lice infestation. If you want to protect your roses early in the season, you can simply spread coffee grounds around the root area in the form of mulch. To spray the infested plant, you must boil the coffee that has already been used, i.e. coffee grounds, with water so that the brew does not become too strong. It is important to use caffeinated coffee and not to dilute the brew too much.

Or how about baking soda against aphids? You can find out more about this in this article.

A notice: Vinegar is a good home remedy for aphids. Even if diluted, this agent is considered harmful to the environment and is therefore prohibited for use in the garden, or at least not permitted under certain circumstances. Inquire about it beforehand, or avoid it altogether to be on the safe side.

Home remedies for aphids on roses with rhubarb

Rhubarb or nettle leaves work wonders on pests

Feel free to use the stalks for delicious desserts, but the leaves are perfect for a decoction to fight lice on roses. For this purpose, boil 500 g of leaves in 3 liters of water for 30 minutes. You can then spray the cooled liquid onto the affected rose bushes. To achieve an effect, it is best to repeat this once a week.

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How to use onion tea against aphids, you will learn in this article. There you will also find information on how to use garlic against lice or garlic broth against aphids.

Home remedies for aphids on roses – collect or shower

Rinse or collect lice from rose bushes

If you have only noticed aphids here and there, you can also treat them with any home remedy for aphids on roses, but you can first wipe them off with your fingers or, in the case of a stronger infestation, rinse them off with a garden hose. Unlike other aphids, such as scale insects, aphids can’t cling to plants very well and are quickly washed away, so this is a good option if you want to gently remove aphids.

The tips of the shoots can also be cut off and disposed of, because this is where the pests feel particularly at home. However, this method is only of limited benefit and not in the long term, because after all the rose should be able to grow and develop flowers.

Did you know that you can fight aphids on roses with milk? Here’s how!

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