Home » how Gymfirst will work (and for whom it will be).

how Gymfirst will work (and for whom it will be).

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how Gymfirst will work (and for whom it will be).

ANCONA – A gym open 24 hours a day. Or rather, during the day for anyone and at night only for those who are able to train independently and safely. Gymfirst, which already exists in Civitanova, will also cut the ribbon in Ancona. Opening tentatively scheduled for the end of February in the premises of the former Clan Dancing, opposite the Decathlon, which also already housed a fitness facility. The novelty, if the numbers of customers allow it, is also the opening at night but, explains the owner Andrea Maiolino, it will not be for everyone: «In Civitanova it is a format that we have already abandoned because the type of clientele is different and, at night, it represented only a small part of the members – explains Maiolino – in Ancona, however, we are counting on it because there are more hospitals, factories, offices and barracks and it is a target that could respond. The hours of the gym assistance will go from 7 to 23, a form will be proposed on which to indicate the times of interest but the regulation that the customer will sign will explain that in times before or after that time slot everyone is responsible for their own training its peril and peril. That will be a service aimed at the expert user who knows how to train alone and who has no problems, for the others there is no night service – explains the owner – there will therefore be restrictions also due to common sense, in short, we do not take everything and if we assess that a situation is problematic or the client is a neophyte, we will not channel it into the night hours». In any case, from 11pm to 7am there will be a surveillance service in addition to the cleaning staff: «which represents a sort of point of reference for the property even in the event of sudden needs» adds Maiolino.

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I services

The owner explains that there are already around 200 pre-registrations to date. For 300 euros, the gym will offer services such as day room assistance, compilation of training schedules (which can also be consulted via the free app), tanning lamps, hydrosaline drinks and unlimited access to courses virtual: «We will have a room with tablets where people will select the course and a full-size projection will start».


But isn’t the place out of the way for a city like Ancona? Many are also asking via social media: «The assessment we made was linked to already existing structures – continues Maiolino – we take a catchment area that for work and for interests transits in the Ancona hinterland. We certainly don’t think of removing customers from the gyms in the center, because the people who go there on foot don’t come to us even if they “never say never”». In the next 10 days the structure should be completed, the deadline for installing the machinery is mid-February. Expected to open at the end of the same month.

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