Home » How Often Should You Wash Your Sheets in the Summer? Here’s What You Need to Know for Good Hygiene!

How Often Should You Wash Your Sheets in the Summer? Here’s What You Need to Know for Good Hygiene!

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How Often Should You Wash Your Sheets in the Summer? Here’s What You Need to Know for Good Hygiene!

How often to wash the sheets in the summer? Here’s what you should definitely know to avoid health problems!

Hygiene rules are essential to avoid coming into contact with germs and bacteria of all kinds. Every day we are actually more and more exposed to innumerable quantities of microbes that are truly impossible for us to see with the naked eye. Do you know how many are present on our skin instead? We are talking about over one trillion bacteria without considering those we come into contact with in our daily lives.

The skin it is the most important organ that acts as a barrier for internal organs and protection from external agents. On the surface of our skin, there are various microorganisms that contribute to building the skin microbiome. We are talking about all those fungi, parasites, bacteria, mites, or those organisms that fulfill different roles. It is for this reason that it is necessary to follow the correct rules of hygiene.

Similarly, having good habits like changing the sheets frequently can also be a way to protect our skin. Especially in the summer season when temperatures rise, but also the chances of sweating double and microbes and bacteria proliferate with a certain speed. In this regard, we ask ourselves, How often do bed sheets need to be changed? Here’s what you should know to protect yourself!

Sheets in the summer: how often to change them, the fundamental rule to avoid health risks

Allergies due to mites, acne and excess sebum, colds and sore throats can only be some of the negative consequences we could encounter by postponing the fateful change of sheets in the middle of summer. We often underestimate it, we think that changing the sheets a day later doesn’t have who knows what consequences. But, just because we don’t see with the naked eye how many microbes and bacteria are present on our sheets certainly doesn’t mean that they aren’t there.

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Change of sheets in the summer: how often to do it (designmag.it)

When we rest peacefully, our skin cells renew themselves. There are countless dead cells that are deposited on surfaces and in this case on our sheets.

If we then think that in the height of the summer season germs and bacteria proliferate faster due to the heat and sweat which acts as a ‘vehicle’ of transmission, we can well imagine how fundamental it is to pay attention to these small rules of hygiene. Well, if in the winter period we usually change the sheets every 10 days (except in cases in which we are sickly and in that case the times go much earlier), during the summer it would instead be useful and healthy to change the sheets at least once a week (except in cases where we sweat excessively and in that case it will be better to change them once more) while the pillowcase change should take place at least a couple of times a week.

The washing of the sheets is also fundamental, which must take place between 40° and 60° degrees to eliminate germs and bacteria. After that, once washed and perfumed, we can hang them out in the open air but not in direct contact with the sun. Once dry, we can fold them up and put them back in their place. Ready to use for the next linen change! And did you know?

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