Home » How to behave in case of a bee sting: everything you need to know

How to behave in case of a bee sting: everything you need to know

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How to behave in case of a bee sting: everything you need to know

In summer it can happen more easily to be hit by a bee sting: what to do in such a situation?

In the hottest months of the year, in addition to the high temperatures, we often find ourselves dealing with insects of various species including api. These insects can sting for a defense mechanism and in some cases the action of the poison through their sting can cause more or less serious consequences.

In fact, a bee sting can cause pain in the affected area of ​​the body, but sometimes the allergic reaction can be so strong that we can speak of anaphylactic shock. In the first case it will be useful to carry out some emergency operations, but in the presence of symptoms of a certain extent, you must immediately seek help from your doctor.

Bee sting, how to intervene: useful rules for first aid

A bee’s sting is serrated and connected with a gland containing the poison responsible for toxic reactions which all subjects can encounter. Pain, itching, burning, swelling and redness are the most common manifestations and can be resolved within a few days. In those who are allergic, on the other hand, dizziness, rashes, breathing difficulties, hives or, as previously mentioned, a real anaphylactic shock.

How to act in the event of a bee sting: the useful rules (TantaSalute.it)

Those who already know they are allergicmust always be provided with a adrenalin autoinjector prescribed by the doctor in order to be able to self-administer in the anterolateral area of ​​the thigh if necessary. You will then have to go to the hospital or doctor immediately and show the used device.

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Those who experience the allergic reaction for the first time requires immediate medical attention or 911. In the meantime, the subject must remain lying down. If he is knocked unconscious, he must be placed on his side to avoid the risk of suffocation.

If, on the other hand, the symptoms are the most common ones (which also affect those who are not allergic), the first thing to do is to understand if the sting is still present in the skin. To understand this, you need to look at the center of the wheal and check if that point is darker. If yes, you must try to quickly extract the stinger: it is possible to do it with thin-edged tools (credit card, table knife, etc.), which must always be disinfected first. At this stage, it is essential not to squeeze the bee’s sting with your fingers to extract it from below, as more venom could continue to come out of the attached blister.

In the presence of severe pain, it is beneficial the action of an ice cube on the area stung by the bee or immersion in cold water. If the symptoms persist, always contact your doctor for the prescription of the indicated treatment.

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