Home » How to Combat Fluid Retention in Summer: Effective Commandments to Follow

How to Combat Fluid Retention in Summer: Effective Commandments to Follow

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How to Combat Fluid Retention in Summer: Effective Commandments to Follow

Title: Effective Ways to Combat Fluid Retention in the Summer Heat

As summer approaches, many of us experience the uncomfortable symptoms of fluid retention. The heat not only swells our hands and ankles but also adds to the heaviness and fatigue we feel. These symptoms, coupled with unhealthy dietary practices and a sedentary lifestyle, can have a significant impact on our overall well-being. In this article, we will explore the causes of fluid retention and provide expert advice on combating it through diet, hydration, exercise, and beauty treatments.

Causes of Fluid Retention:
Aside from poor nutrition and a sedentary lifestyle, fluid imbalance in our bodies can be caused by various factors. Circulatory problems, hormonal changes, certain medications, and inadequate hydration are some of the common culprits behind fluid retention.

Dietary Measures to Prevent Fluid Retention:
According to Myriam Yébenes, an expert in aesthetic medicine and nutrition, the first step in combating fluid retention is to eliminate excessive salt consumption. Sodium and potassium play a crucial role in regulating cell volume, and excess salt can cause water to accumulate in tissues, leading to edema. Including diuretic foods such as artichokes, asparagus, watermelon, melon, and pineapple in our diet can aid in eliminating toxins and purifying the body. Yébenes also suggests consuming a purifying broth or endive with white fish at night.

Importance of Hydration:
Staying well-hydrated is essential, especially during hot summer days. Drinking plenty of water helps in effectively purifying toxins. Yébenes advises against consuming sugary soft drinks, as they can contribute to abdominal swelling. Additionally, alcohol and tobacco should be avoided, as they not only worsen fluid retention but also have negative effects on overall well-being and skin health.

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Exercise and Active Lifestyle:
Maintaining an active lifestyle, even during vacations, can greatly benefit the body. Myriam Yébenes recommends engaging in cardiovascular sports for at least 30 minutes a day. Activities such as running on the beach or playing volleyball games can be enjoyable and help reduce fluid retention. Regular exercise will make you sweat, aiding in the elimination of toxins from the body.

Beauty Treatments:
Maribel Yébenes, an expert in aesthetic medicine, emphasizes the importance of cleansing beauty treatments in combating fluid retention. The Body Plan, a 15-day method offered by Maribel Yébenes, helps eliminate liquids, fats, and toxins while providing a sense of satiety and rest. It contains natural ingredients such as bamboo, artichoke, horsetail, pineapple, and dandelion, which are rich in essential minerals and vitamins.

Fluid retention can be a discomforting condition, especially in the summer heat. By adopting a healthy diet, maintaining proper hydration, engaging in regular exercise, and considering beauty treatments, such as the Body Plan, it is possible to combat fluid retention effectively. Remember to consult with experts like Myriam and Maribel Yébenes for personalized advice and to improve your overall well-being during the hot summer months.

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