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Hypothermia, what to do if your body temperature drops suddenly

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Hypothermia, what to do if your body temperature drops suddenly

Exposure to low temperatures can have significant consequences on the body and even cause serious permanent damage.

Hypothermia can have serious consequences for the human body. When the body temperature falls below certain limits, our nervous system is affected compromising our coordination and causing mental confusion. Also, hypothermia can cause a slowing of heart rate and breathing, increasing the risk of cardiac arrest.

This phenomenon can strike even at temperatures above 0°C if the body cools down due to rain, sweat or immersion in cold water. These factors can cause a rapid decrease in body temperature, increasing the risk. The first symptoms are tremors, cold and pale skin, difficulty speaking clearly, increased shortness of breath, tiredness and confusion. If the temperature continues to drop, the chills may gradually go away, but they can more serious symptoms occur which can lead to fainting, requiring immediate medical attention.

The symptoms and causes of hypothermia: everything you need to know

Importantly, frostbite injuries are the result of multiple factors. When the body is exposed to cold temperatures, superficial blood vessels contract as a defense mechanism. This causes blood flow to the extremities to slow down, thereby limiting heat loss and pushing blood to vital organs to maintain body temperature. This process, if not managed properly, can lead to serious damage tissue.

What to do if you suffer from hypothermia (tantasalute.it)

When heat and oxygen become insufficient, our extremities and body surfaces they start to freeze, while the liquid in the tissues turns into ice crystals which can irreparably damage the affected cells. A condition that can cause the cell death itselfa process known as necrosis.

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Treatment of damage in cases of hypothermia depends on the severity of the condition. A Timely intervention is crucial to increase the chances of recovery. Here are some key first aid points for hypothermia:

Move person to a warm place and sheltered from the cold. Remove any wet clothing and replace it with dry, warm clothing; Wrap the person in blankets or thermal clothes to maintain body heat. If possible, provide a direct heat source such as an electric blanket or hot water bottle (making sure it’s not too hot and wrapping it in a cloth); Request immediate medical assistance calling an ambulance or taking the person to the nearest hospital. It is important for a professional to evaluate the condition and provide further appropriate care;Avoid heating up quickly the person, for example with warm water or a warm bath. This could cause thermal shock. It is best to warm up the body gradually with warm blankets and clothing;Monitor constantly the vital signs of the person (respiration, pulse, blood pressure) and, if necessary, performs CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) if the person has signs of cardiac or respiratory arrest. How hypothermia is diagnosed (tantasalute.it)

The diagnosis of frostbite is mainly based on medical examination and examining the typical signs and symptoms that occur after exposure to cold. It is important to remember that frostbite can occur gradually over time. In some cases, a subsequent reevaluation may be necessary to determine the extent of the damage and plan appropriate treatment. Therefore, it is advisable to consult an experienced doctor for accurate assessment and proper analysis.

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