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I BRING – Greetings – News – ITALY

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Istat and UNAR (National Office Against Racial Discrimination) present the main results of the survey on employment discrimination against LGBT+ people (not in a civil union or already in a union) carried out in 2022. The survey, carried out by self-completion of an electronic questionnaire that can be reached online, was aimed at people of age who define themselves as homosexuals and bisexuals, and who at the time of the survey usually lived in Italy, were not in a civil union and had not been in the past. The target population does not include trans people of any sexual orientation to whom another survey is dedicated.
The results are not representative of all homosexual and bisexual populations not in civil partnerships, nor are they comparable to those of the 2020-2021 survey on the same topic targeting people in or already in civil partnerships. In fact, it is a convenience sample that does not offer all units of the target population the same possibility of becoming part of the sample. Therefore, these results refer only to the people who participated in the survey.

There were around 1,200 respondents: 79.6% declared a homosexual orientation, 20.4% bisexual. These are mainly men (61.5%), young people (55.4% are between 18 and 34 years old) and people with a very high level of education (64.2% have in fact achieved at least a degree). The vast majority are employed (84.7%) or have been in the past (9.8%).
Coming out (the act of revealing one’s sexual orientation to others) in the workplace is widespread: the sexual orientation of employed respondents is known (or was known for ex-employees) to peer colleagues in 78.3 % of cases, followed by the employer or superiors (64.8%) and by employees or people of lower rank (55.3%). However, still in the working context, 31.2% reported episodes of disclosure of their homosexuality by other people (outing).
41.4% of the people interviewed, employed or ex-employed, declare that being homosexual or bisexual has represented a disadvantage during their working life in at least one of the three areas considered (career and professional growth, recognition and appreciation, income and salary).
61.2% of employed or ex-employed persons report, in relation to their current/last job, that they have avoided talking about their private life to keep their sexual orientation hidden; for the same reason, about one in three people has avoided associating with people from the working environment in their free time.
About eight out of ten homosexual or bisexual people interviewed have experienced at least one form of micro-aggression in the workplace related to sexual orientation. Micro-aggression refers to repeated short interchanges that send disparaging messages to some individuals as part of a group, subtle insults directed at people often automatically or subconsciously.
71.9% of the homosexual or bisexual people interviewed declared having suffered at least one event of discrimination at school/university not necessarily related to sexual orientation (e.g. foreign origins, external appearance, health problems, religious beliefs or political ideas, gender, etc.). Approximately one in three people say they have suffered at least one event of discrimination in their job search.
33.3% of the people interviewed, employed or ex-employed in Italy, state that they have experienced a hostile climate or aggression in their work environment, not necessarily linked to sexual orientation.
74.5% of homosexual or bisexual people surveyed avoided holding hands with their same-sex partner in public for fear of being attacked, threatened or harassed.
The offenses related to sexual orientation received via the web concern 31.3% of the respondents. Excluding episodes that occurred in the workplace, 11.7% say they have suffered threats and 8.8% violent assaults for reasons related to sexual orientation in the last three years.

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