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If You Eat These Foods Every Day You’ll Live Longer: What The Experts Say

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If You Eat These Foods Every Day You’ll Live Longer: What The Experts Say

Here are the superfoods that guarantee well-being and health: if you eat them you are always at the top. Let’s discover their fantastic properties.

Everyday life stresses us out with a load of commitments that are often difficult to manage. We are always in a hurry, we eat badly and our mind is occupied by thoughts that undermine our psychophysical balance. Yet regaining our well-being is important because otherwise we age prematurely and pave the way for small or large pathologies that can lower the quality of life.

Precious foods for our health ā€“ grantennistoscana.it

When we talk about diet, we are talking about something very important because health starts from the table. The ideal diet for each of us must be personalized and yet there are foods rich in nutrients which cannot be ignored in order to feel good and healthy. The famous expression “we are what we eat” it is true today more than ever given that the life we ā€‹ā€‹lead often takes away the time and energy from us to plan a healthy diet that can be good for our body.


In this article we will introduce you to five foods to eat every day to live healthy e long. By remembering to always eat these healthy and nutrient-rich foods, our body will never be in reserve and will be able to have what it needs to face the small and big challenges of every day.

Blueberries are a real antioxidant concentrate and therefore they are rich in those substances that counteract the natural process of oxidation and aging of our body. The antioxidants present in blueberries work effectively for block free radicals that damage cells and can cause aging and dangerous mutations.

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Blueberries contain powerful antioxidants ā€“ grantennistoscana.it

By regularly taking blueberries our aging will be slowed down and the arrival of diseases such as cancer will be made more difficult. Especially the antioxidants that blueberries are rich in are called anthocyanins and provide that particular dark and intense pigmentation. Anthocyanins as well as delaying aging they also help improve mood because they reactivate the neural pathways in the brain that counteract stress hormones. So many excellent reasons to consume these small and healthy fruits.

The walnuts

Walnuts are a real treasure chest rich in Omega 3 fatty acids. Omega 3s have become famous in the past years because they cannot be produced by our body and yet they are essential to keep it healthy. In addition to being tasty, walnuts are particularly rich in this fatty acid which helps to reduce inflammation in the body. Our body for a whole series of physiological and pathological reasons tends to develop small and large levels of inflammation.

Omega 3s keep these inflammations at bay and decrease the risk of developing pathologies and chronic diseases. Those who eat walnuts regularly keep cholesterol levels low. But we must not underestimate the fact that they are rich in unsaturated fats, folic acid which is so important in pregnancyvitamin B6 and magnesium.

Walnuts are a concentrate of Omega 3 ā€“ grantennistoscana.it

So for pregnant women, for those with cholesterol problems, but also for those who generally want to keep inflammation of the body low and prevent chronic diseases, walnuts are a must never to be forgotten.


Spinach won’t give us Popeye’s muscles of steel but it’s true that it is a valuable food in our diet. First of all, they are rich in mineral salts and vitamins and give us lots of magnesium, potassium, calcium and iron. But spinach is especially important because it contains two powerful antioxidants such as lutein and zeaxanthin and they also help eye health. Those who consume this food will hardly be deficient in fiber and will keep their health under control.

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Spinach must never be lacking in our diet ā€“ grantennistoscana.it

Regardless of whether the spinach whether raw or cooked, the nutrients of which they are rich will still be assimilated by our body and this allows us to prepare them in many different ways and also to have more opportunities to consume them. A trick recommended by nutritionists is to combine spinach with foods they contain vitamin C. In this way the iron of which they are rich will be absorbed and assimilated more easily.


Avocado is becoming more and more popular in Italy because information about it is spreading well-being that manages to give us. This fruit is a true concentrate of nutrients that protect the brain, hair, skin, intestines and heart. Plus the substances it contains keep cholesterol at bay and regulate blood pressure.

Avocados are rich in monounsaturated fats that manage to lower the levels of the so-called bad cholesterol. This fruit, therefore, avoids problems related to pressure and can contribute to keep blood sugar in check but it also helps us from an aesthetic point of view because the hair and skin benefit from it. We should also not underestimate the fact that it is rich in potassium which helps regulate blood pressure and magnesium which helps support nerve and muscle function.

Wonder avocado: eat it often ā€“ grantennistoscana.it

But avocado is a real panacea also because lowers stress hormones and helps us fall asleep better. Those who follow a diet rich in avocados will hardly have insomnia problems and will spend peaceful nights characterized by deep and invigorating sleep.

The beans

Beans and more generally legumes are rich in protein and fiber but low in calories. Anyone who has the good habit of consuming legumes will have little hunger and will stabilize blood sugar. They are also a significant source of energy.

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Nutritionists often recommend them because they help us to have a healthy and balanced diet avoiding stuffing ourselves with food but having a good load of protein and energy to always feel at the top. Beans are a prebiotic food and therefore they help feed the good bacteria of our digestive system and keep the intestine in order, preventing discomfort and pathologies of various kinds.

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