Home » If you have these habits stop immediately, you risk making your brain sick forever

If you have these habits stop immediately, you risk making your brain sick forever

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If you have these habits stop immediately, you risk making your brain sick forever

We all have bad habits, but there are some that are more bad than others. However, if you have certain of these, it would be better to stop immediately before making our brain sick.

The brain is the central organ of our body, sometimes even more important than the heart. All types of activities, from motor to intellectual ones, depend on him. This is why it is very important to preserve it from any kind of possible problem.

Habits that damage the brain (Grantennistoscana.it)

It is, let us remember, themain organ of the central nervous system and in various forms it is found in all vertebrates and also in most invertebrates. It is located inside the skull of which it occupies an important space. The first medical references of the brain come from the Edwin Smith Surgical Papyrus which dates back to the 17th century BC. In this papyrus the word appears eight times to represent symptoms, diagnosis and prognosis of two people who had been injured in the head with compound skull fracture.

Hippocrates spoke a lot about it among the Greeks but also Plato with the latter who rightly considered it the seat of thought. Aristotle, for example, instead believed that intelligence was hidden in the heart and saw the neural organ as a mechanism capable of cooling the blood by heating the whole body. Over time many discoveries have been made, but still today it is impossible to think of a brain transplant. But now we give you some tips to preserve it.

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Brain, these habits are bad for him

There are several common habits that are bad for the brain. For this reason it becomes essential to go and analyze them closely to avoid making mistakes of this kind too.

How not to make your brain sick with habits (Grantennistoscana.it)

First of all, one must not make the mistake that many make and that is that one must absolutely not skip breakfast. As already mentioned, this is one of the most important meals of the day and is not only used to kill hunger but also to set the brain in motion, giving it the right energy after fasting during sleep. Not eating in the morning risks leading us to have memory, concentration and even mood problems.

Refined sugars are also bad for the brain. Eating many of them can even increase the risk of the onset of senile dementia with possible damage, in some cases, even at a neurological level. Precisely for this reason you should try to limit them as much as possible, also preferring wholemeal foods that contain much less sugar than white ones.

The brain, which habits damage it? (Grantennistoscana.it)

It seems trivial, but eating too much is bad for the brain. There are several processes to carry out for the body if we eat too much and this can be bad for both the body and our brain.

Other obvious problems for the brain are alcohol and smoking. They are harmful to health and can lead to killing neurons by slowing down our transmission of impulses. Smoking then deprives the brain of oxygen and creates the basis for very difficult diseases such as Alzheimer’s.

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The brain then must also be preserved from stress, from excessive workload and must be rested. Even little sleep can be dangerous for our brain.

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