Home » If you’re allergic to painkillers, use these naturals that have been used for generations: The List

If you’re allergic to painkillers, use these naturals that have been used for generations: The List

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If you’re allergic to painkillers, use these naturals that have been used for generations: The List

Even if the concept of medicine in the modern sense makes use of various themes and very diversified scientific fields, it is actually very ancient and has its roots in the various traditional forms of medicinal uses. Modern painkillers appear to be very common and useful forms of medicine, and even if they are very effective, they still have side effects and above all they cannot be used with equal success by everyone. Various forms of natural painkillers, perhaps known to our grandparents and great-grandparents can act as concrete help.

If you’re allergic to painkillers, use these naturals that have been used for generations: The List

For example, the black birch, a very ancient form of plant widespread in the temperate and boreal zones of the northern hemisphere of the terraqueous globe, is particularly effective in the form of an infusion but also as an essential oil for various forms of joint pain such as stiff neck, but also bone disorders.

In addition to being an excellent food sweetener, honey is also excellent for improving healing and limiting the painful effects of painful mouth diseases such as canker sores, but it also manages to improve the natural healing capabilities of the epidermis, thanks to its antibacterial properties.

Ditto for garlic, which cannot be missing in any kitchen as a condiment but also as a medicinal tool against inflammation and infection, as it is one of the best known forms of natural antibiotic, for this reason it was also widely used in ancient times.

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Even spices such as turmeric are known and appreciated for their inflammatory properties, as well as forms of more specific products such as cherries or ginger which, through infusions or applications through packs, are extremely effective against muscle pain, rheumatic pain and burns.

Cloves, in small quantities, are particularly useful in case of problems with the oral cavity, such as toothache or gum infections.

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