Home » In Milan a new center to combat eating disorders

In Milan a new center to combat eating disorders

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31 maggio 202317:43

The service is available at the Visconti di Modrone Medical Center. Anorexia and bulimia affect around 3 million people in Italy: of these, almost 90% are women between the ages of 12 and 28


A Milanoat Visconti di Modrone Medical Centerthe new one is active Center for Nutrition and Food: an outpatient service of the Lifenet Healthcare group, which owns the facility, specializing in food disorders and related diseases. Complex diseases, characterized by a problematic relationship with food and with one’s body. Every year they affect millions of people, mostly teenagers, and often not only do we not know what to do and how to treat them, but we don’t even know how to recognize them. And in the meantime the situation worsens.

Inside the Milanese Center, patients and their families will be able to rely on a team of experts made up of nutritionists, psychologists and doctors, able to adopt a multidisciplinary approach, the only effective one for the treatment of eating disorders. In fact, it is not enough to treat only the food symptoms: to heal, in these cases, a structured path is necessary, able to help those who suffer from it in every aspect, from
psychological to that
feeding to that strictly

Leading the team is Dr
Stefano Erzegovesi, psychiatrist, nutritionist and science communicator, author of several books on the subject of food health. Anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, diet-resistant obesity, binge eating disorder (literally: binge eating disorder) are the main Eating Disorders (DCA), which Dr. Erzegovesi treats every day. They are the second cause of death among the very young after road accidents, and the specialized structures that deal with them are still very few, scattered like a leopard and only in some areas of Italy.

Anorexia e
bulimia, in particular, affect around 3 million people in Italy today: of these, almost 90% are women between 12 and 28 years of age, but the age threshold is destined to drop. For this reason it is essential to know how to recognize the symptoms in time and take action as soon as possible to seek the most suitable treatment. The first visit to the Medical Center in via Uberto Visconti di Modrone, a few steps from the Duomo, is of crucial importance. Depending on the characteristics and needs of the patient, an outpatient procedure is structured in line with his needs, which can include psychological sessions and medical visits, as well as the creation of a personalized nutritional plan.

“Everything starts from a blank sheet – explains Dr. Erzegovesi -. Understand the needs of the patient,
a personalized path is created. According to statistics, at least 50% of those who follow a structured program can recover from these pathologies, and over 25% still record a marked improvement in their psycho-physical conditions. Today family members and the patient’s social network play a central role in therapy, while once they were completely excluded and often blamed. A change of perspective which, together with a multidisciplinary approach, can be fundamental for overcoming the pathology”.

Convinced of the project too
Paolo Migliavacca, managing director of the Visconti di Modrone Medical Center. “We are very happy to include a professional such as Dr. Stefano Erzegovesi and his team of experts in our team – he added -. Thanks to their contribution, the Visconti di Modrone Medical Center enriches the range of specialists available to all users Often a single psychologist or nutritionist is not enough to treat food-related pathologies: the multidisciplinary approach that our Center is able to offer can bring authentic and lasting benefits that would otherwise be almost impossible to achieve”.

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