Home » Incipient dementia: With 7 questions you can recognize the first signs

Incipient dementia: With 7 questions you can recognize the first signs

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Incipient dementia: With 7 questions you can recognize the first signs
  • In the attached video you can see which biomarkers indicate a risk of dementia at an early stage.

According to the latest estimates, around 1.8 million people live with dementia in Germany. Most of them suffer from Alzheimer’s. The disease begins insidiously, mostly with memory and orientation problems.

Where did I park the car again? What was my daughter’s phone number again? Many wonder – for themselves or their loved ones – when forgetfulness ends and dementia begins.

Die German Alzheimer Society names the following Warning signs of dementia :

  • memory disorders
  • Misplacing things (glasses, car keys)
  • Problems with spatial perception (such as parking in the garage)
  • unable to follow conversations
  • Lack of orientation to time and to foreign places
  • Missing words in conversation
  • Poor or diminished judgment
  • Changes in mood and/or behavior
  • Difficulties with everyday tasks (shopping, paying)
  • Withdrawal from work or social activities
  • Difficulty keeping track (medication, phone calls)

That is why an early diagnosis is important

However: The symptoms mentioned can also have other causes, such as stress, psychological stress, a change in hormone balance or another illness. Forgetfulness can also vary in severity.

However, a clear diagnosis is important. Because although dementia is (still) incurable, early treatment can help to slow down the process and stabilize mental performance, for example. Next to medication can also one non-drug treatment help (follow the links to info sheets).

One difficulty with the diagnosis is that those affected usually do not notice the disease themselves, explains the neurologist Dorothee Saur from the Leipzig University Clinic in an interview with the ” Bild “.

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Identify signs of dementia with 7 questions

The doctor, who also runs the dementia consultation at the Leipzig University Hospital, can detect the first signs of dementia with a mini test. Seven questions must be answered.

Annotation: You need paper and pen. The test can only be carried out in pairs.

1 question: Remember the three terms lemon, hammer, blue.

2nd question: Subtract 7 from each 100. So 100 minus 7, then subtract 7 from the result. Repeat five times in total.

3rd question: What is today’s date?

4. Question: Repeat the numbers 1609, 21,538 and 349,267.

5. Question: Repeat the following numbers backwards: 148, 2903, 32,517.

6. Question: Name the three terms from the beginning of the test.

7. Question: Finally, there is the so-called watch test: a circle is drawn on a piece of white paper. The test person should enter the digits and a specific time with a large and small hand.


The repetition of the numbers only serves to fill the short memory and to distract from the three terms. If the three terms in question 6 cannot be reproduced, this could be an indication of a memory disorder and thus a first indication of dementia.

If the clock was not drawn correctly, numbers like 12, 3, 6 and 9 are in the wrong place, this could also be an indication of a visual-spatial abilities disorder. This is also a typical symptom of Alzheimer’s dementia.

Important: The mini test does not replace a medical diagnosis. If you suspect dementia, you should see your family doctor urgently!

There is also a warning against misdiagnosis. Because whether a person performs poorly can also have other causes. Educational level, social class and mental state also play a role. In addition, the “exam situation” puts some under massive stress, which can also lead to a poorer result. The clarification by a doctor is correspondingly important.

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Reduce your risk of dementia with the 12-point plan

Age is considered the main risk for dementia. Saur says: “That can happen at early retirement age.” However, the probability continues to increase with age. “At the age of 100, the probability of having dementia, i.e. Alzheimer’s, is about 50 percent.”

But each individual can do something to reduce their personal risk of dementia. According to the World Health Organization WHO is a healthy, active and sociable life the best dementia prevention. Orientation also offers our 12-point plan against dementia :

  1. Identify and treat hearing loss
  2. Education – for life
  3. Avoid head injuries, i.e. traumatic brain injuries, as much as possible
  4. Prevent high blood pressure, optimally reduce existing ones
  5. Little alcohol
  6. Avoid being overweight
  7. Stop smoking
  8. Dealing with stress and depression properly
  9. Society instead of loneliness and isolation
  10. Avoid air pollution and particulate matter
  11. Get active, because resting also rusts your brain
  12. Avoid type 2 diabetes at all costs

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