Home » Is pasta really fattening? The false myths to dispel about the food most loved by Italians

Is pasta really fattening? The false myths to dispel about the food most loved by Italians

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Is pasta really fattening?  The false myths to dispel about the food most loved by Italians

But is pasta fattening? Can it really not be consumed during a diet? Everything you need to know about this delicacy!

Pasta is one of the best known and loved local foods in the world. It is never lacking on Italian tables, but unfortunately there are still gods around this delicious food false myths which are evidently die-hard. Those that circulate more frequently and that are difficult to eradicate are essentially sects.

These are unfounded prejudices without any scientific basis that have spread due to false news about this food. Misconceptions about pasta sometimes turn into distorted eating habits, so it is necessary to clarify and clear them once and for all!

Six false myths about pasta that still circulate among the majority!

It is a food loved by everyone, but few know the false myths surrounding pasta. Here they are all: some are truly unthinkable!

Does pasta make you fat? What you need to know (tantasalute.it) The first prejudice about pasta concerns the false data according to which it would do put on weight. But is it really so? In reality there is no scientific data to support this thesis. It certainly isn’t a slimming food but it shouldn’t be considered as the cause of weight gain. Certainly the quantities and the condiments must be controlled. Like any food, it’s important to be moderate. The second false myth is that pasta shouldn’t go well consumed at dinner. It is a child prejudice of the previous one. According to some, in fact, pasta if consumed in the evening would make you gain weight. Also in this case there are no scientific proofs in this regard. The third false myth concerns the baking. According to some prejudices circulating on the net, pasta should be very cooked so that it can be digested better. But, there is nothing more wrong. In reality it should be eaten al dente. The fourth prejudice about pasta concerns the ingredients, according to many in fact that gluten free would make you lose weight. Attention, also in this case everything depends on the quantity, the condiments and the eating habits adopted during the day. The fifth false myth concerning pasta concerns the oil. Many people are convinced that adding a drizzle of oil would prevent the pasta from sticking. It is certainly not a true belief, in fact the oil remains on the surface, it is therefore useless as well as representing a waste. Some people then mistakenly believe that the pasta should be drained completely, and instead the‘cooking water it helps to mix the sauces better, and therefore helps to obtain a dish with a creamy consistency. The seventh and final false myth about pasta concerns the fact that many are certain that pasta should be considered as a “first course” to be followed by a second course reach. Actually pasta is a single dish, especially if it is seasoned with legumes or proteins.

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