Home Ā» Israeli blitz in Jenin with helicopters and armored vehicles: the firefight with the population explodes. At least 4 killed and 45 injured

Israeli blitz in Jenin with helicopters and armored vehicles: the firefight with the population explodes. At least 4 killed and 45 injured

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This is the heaviest Israeli attack on Jenin since the time of Second Intifadain 2000. The blitz of Israel Defense Forces (IDF) in the Palestinian city refugee camp soon turned into a battaglia which he has already left on the field 4 Palestinian victims and 45 wounded, including 9 in critical condition. While among the Israeli soldiers there are currently 7 wounded: 2 are soldiers and 5 are agents of the border police, none of them are serious. All were transported to the hospital. The military of theJewish state‘ they conducted a raid on Monday morning using helicopters e armored vehicles with the aim of arresting suspected members of terrorist organizations, including the son of a high-ranking member of Hamas in the West Bank, Jamal Abu al-Hijjah.

And to do so, Israel deployed a large group of soldiers who engaged in a firefight with ā€œa massive exchange of shots between soldiers and armed men in the areaā€. The Israeli military spokesman stated that ā€œa large number of explosive devices against the soldiers who responded.ā€ Furthermore, ā€œa military vehicle was hit by a bomb as it left the city. The vehicle was damaged.” After having “identified armed men, army helicopters opened fire in order to facilitate the exit of the soldiers”. As a demonstration of the action of the aircraft, several videos are already circulating on social media showing the rockets fired from helicopters on the Jenin refugee camp. The local Ministry of Health cited by the He died he identified the dead in Khaled Azzam Darwish (21 years), Ahmed Yousef Saqr (15), Qais Majdi Adel Jabareen (21 years old) and Qassam Faisal Abu Sariya (29).

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The new violence that has broken out in Palestine comes less than 24 hours after the agreement signed between Israel, Egypt e Palestinian National Authority per gas extraction from a deposit off the coast of Gaza. He first Benjamin Netanyahu he explained that the development will take place “in the framework of existing efforts” between Israel, Egypt and the PNA “with particular attention to the Palestinian economic development and to maintain the stability of the security in the regionā€œ. A project “subordinated to coordination between the security services and direct dialogue with Egypt, in coordination with the Palestinian Authority, and to the completion of the work of the inter-ministerial staff led by the National Security Council, in order to maintain security and the diplomatic interests of the State of Israel in this matterā€. According to Jerusalem Post, it should be Egas, an energy company owned by the Egyptian government, “to develop the field” which is located about 30 kilometers from the coast of Gaza, where Hamas is in power. Estimates value it in addition 1 trillion cubic meters of natural gas, an amount considered to be far above the needs of Gaza and the West Bank and which therefore could in part be exported with economic revenues.

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