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“It could cure 15% of cancers”

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“It could cure 15% of cancers”

The pandemic it had a silver lining; medical research on vaccines has been updated in a year and today claims to be able to get the vaccine against cancer and cardiovascular disease by 2030.

Vaccine against the evil of the century

It is estimated that by 2030 we may have the vaccine mRna to cure the evil of the century, and beyond. The vaccine that the researchers reported could treat various types of cancer, cardiovascular disease or the syncytial virus (which causes a respiratory infection). ‘The Guardian’ explained the working mechanism.

In fact, in the magazine you can read that the vaccine is based on a biopsy of a cancer patient. A laboratory examines the sample and the genetic material is sequenced, then mutations that are not present in healthy cells are identified. A computer will then check which mutations are leading to the advancement of the cancer. In the laboratory, a messenger RNA molecule is created with the information to create the antigens that can trigger the immune response.

We have gained 10 years of scientific knowledge in just one yearPfizer commented. In fact, the positive side of the pandemic seems to have been just that; scientific research on vaccines. Modern obtained FDA approval for a “preferred” position for the vaccine against melanoma and syncytial virus. The immunologist and professor at the University of Turin, Guido Forni he said: “We are not facing the discovery of the century, but the evolution of something that already existed and we are about to do much better. Coronavirus-related research has led to a new technology that allows personalized vaccines to be developed very quickly“.

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He then spoke about the types of cancers that the vaccine could cover: “it will be quite widespread, but relative to some types of cancer. For example, 15% of breast cancers express the same antigen and in this case it is possible to prevent or cure with a vaccine. In other cases, it will be more limited“.

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