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it is the first country by number of cases

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it is the first country by number of cases

It’s alarm mosquitoes in Italia. and theEcdcthe European Center for Disease Prevention and Control, warns: Italy is first for cases of Nile fever. The warming trend in Europe, with more frequent and severe heatwaves and floods and longer and hotter summers, create more favorable conditions for invasive mosquito species such as Aedes albopictus and Aedes aegypti. This is the ECDC’s alarm, with the expectation that more cases and deaths from dengue, chikungunya and West Nile fever can follow. In 2022, 1,133 human cases and 92 deaths of Nile virus infection were reported in the EU and EEA: 1,112 acquired locally in 11 countries, with Italy leading with 723 locally reported cases.


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The ECDC reports that ten years ago (in 2013) the Aedes albopictus mosquito settled in 8 EU/EEA countries, with 114 regions affected. It is now present in 13 countries and 337 regions. “In recent years we have witnessed a geographical spread of invasive mosquito species into previously unaffected areas in the EU/EEA,” said ECDC director Andrea Ammon in the centre’s communication. “If this continues, we can expect to see as many cases and deaths as possible from diseases such as dengue, chikungunya and West Nile fever.

Efforts must focus on ways to control mosquito populations, improve surveillance and enforce personal protective measures.”

Mosquitoes, ticks and insects: invasion due to heavy rains and heat. «Risk of “tropical” pathologies». What are they and how to defend yourself

Behind the 723 local infections of virus of the Nile Western countries with high scores in Italy include Greece (286), Romania (47), Germany (16), Hungary (14), Croatia (8), Austria (6), France (6), Spain (4), Slovakia (1) and Bulgaria (1). There were 71 cases of locally acquired dengue in the EU in 2022, equal to the number of cases reported between 2010 and 2021, with the highest cases reported in France (65) and Spain (6). The ECDC notes that ways to control mosquito populations include eliminating sources of standing water where mosquitoes breed, using environmentally friendly larvicides and promoting community awareness of mosquito control. Personal protective measures include the use of mosquito nets (preferably insecticide-treated nets) or sleeping or resting in screened or air-conditioned rooms, the use of mosquito nets, wearing clothing that covers most of the body and use of mosquito repellents.

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