Home » Juve, double game between the field and trials. But the verdict will come out of the courts | First page

Juve, double game between the field and trials. But the verdict will come out of the courts | First page

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Juve, double game between the field and trials.  But the verdict will come out of the courts |  First page

There’s the pitch, and there Juventus are playing it as best they could. It is virtually second in the standings and Allegri never misses an opportunity to remember it. Once he also counted the 2 points with Salernitana. After all, he hasn’t had Chiesa for half the season, he’s only been seeing Pogba for a few days and who knows when he’ll have the “real” one, Vlahovic plays little and scores less. in short, he has at least as many alibis as the criticisms, including ours, that have accompanied him from the first day of work.

The media wink at the Champions comeback, draw up the tables of the miracle run-up and if Juventus win another 2/3 matches, and maybe in the meantime shorten the road from Naples just a little, you’ll see that there will be someone, thinking of Coni, who will soon also raise his sights…

There is the field, and then there are the courts. Juventus’ appeal actually appeared in the newspapers a few hours after being filed with Coni. It will probably be a strategic act, it seems to us above all a way to warm up the black and white people, make him a thesis fan, rocking the boat and creating confusion around what is yet to happen. The club’s defense retraces the line already exposed before the Federal Court of Appeal, starting with that “there are no new facts” for which the previous acquittal judgment could not be revoked. Judge Torsello’s ruling instead explained how the acts parachuted by the Prisma criminal investigation were, indeed, “new evidence”. The Coni guarantee college will decide, and so on the other points on which the club’s defensive line focuses. What is certain is that saying “Juventus shouldn’t have been condemned” because that’s what the black and white appeal says is currently only a hope for whoever wrote that appeal. Overturning a negative verdict is also the goal of all those who appeal.

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Juventus lost badly in Naples, then drew with Atalanta and finally lost against Monza. on January 29. In February he has only and always won (6 times), except for the unexpected home draw with Nantes, which was then widely overturned in Brittany. Allegri has defined the frame, in which from time to time he inserts the actors, who, if they are fine, certainly don’t miss them. Remember, however, that soon the federal prosecutor Chiné, again on the basis of what emerged from the Prisma investigation, will ask for a new sporting trial for the double salary maneuver and the partnership with “friendly companies” is a dutiful act of respect for reality. And it is right to remember it at least as much as the miracle run-up tables, which today seem to be the only thing that matters when speaking of Juventus.

It’s the usual story of the asterisk that ideally stands next to everything black and white, between now and the end of the season, and probably even beyond, including the transfer market, with renewals (those of Di Maria and Rabiot, for example) that no one in the club can now discuss, if anything the players wanted to. The depositions of people under investigation are from a few days ago, which become public every day and certainly do not contribute to making Juventus’ position lighter. On the contrary. Needless to mention them here, because everyone knows them. Including what was said by Dybala, who risks being disqualified for what he said alone, even if he is now wearing the shirt of another team (and crosses Juventus on Sunday). And who knows what Ronaldo will say, soon he too will be questioned by the magistrates of Turin. It is difficult to hypothesize that on 27 March, the hearing scheduled before the investigating judge, a criminal trial will not also open, very long times and no direct consequences on sporting performance. It is therefore right to applaud what Allegri and the players do on the pitch, as long as we remember that the final verdicts will come out of the courts.

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