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Lemon, all the beneficial properties

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Lemon, all the beneficial properties

Rather than being consumed whole, lemon is usually added to foods and beverages. However, many are unaware of its benefits.

Vitamin C present in lemon, a very important micronutrient for our health, it can boost immune function, reduce inflammation, and help fight infection.

That said, there is no evidence that vitamin C can reduce the risk of getting the common cold. It remains to be said, however, that taking similar supplements regularly could help decrease the cold and reduce its severity.

Are these the only benefits of lemon? Absolutely not: here they are all!

It can protect against chronic diseases and improve digestion

Obtain adequate intake of vitamin C, eating lots of fruits and vegetables, can reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases, such as cancer and heart disease. Vitamin C in foods like lemons is thought to reduce oxidative damage throughout the body. However, it is unclear whether vitamin C alone, whether in dietary or supplemental form, directly reduces the risk of developing chronic disease.

What are the benefits of lemon (tantasalute.it)

While there is no research to suggest that lemons alone can detoxify the body, drinking lemon water can promote better digestion in general. Adding lemon to your water can mean you really want to drink more and meet your unique hydration needs. It has also been proven that lemon water supports weight loss, improving insulin resistance and digestion. In vitro study suggests lemon extract may contain bioactive compounds, such as flavanones, which researchers have found mimic insulin resistance.

Drink warm lemon water in the morning can have a laxative effect. This can help improve digestive health if you have constipation. While more research is needed to this end, lemon juice, when combined with prune juice, has been found to help promote normal bowel functioning in patients who have recently undergone orthopedic surgery.

The kidney stones they are composed of calcium, uric acid and oxalate. These start out as crystals and then can grow larger until they turn into small stones.

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Thanks to’citric acid contained in lemon, which then binds to calcium, it is possible to prevent the development of kidney stones.

Those prone to kidney stones may also benefit from making lemon water a regular part of their daily nutrition. The citrate in lemons and its juice it can help reduce the incidence of kidney stones.

The article Lemon, all the beneficial properties comes from Tanta Salute.

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