Home » Let’s break the taboos on menstruation, even in space (thanks Samntha Cristoferetti)

Let’s break the taboos on menstruation, even in space (thanks Samntha Cristoferetti)

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Let’s break the taboos on menstruation, even in space (thanks Samntha Cristoferetti)

Directly from space, our Samantha Cristoforetti explains to the web how to manage the menstrual cycle in orbit, talking about a natural topic but which for many women around the world still represents a delicate topic and a source of embarrassment.

No matter how advanced the century we live in, the menstrual cycle unfortunately still remains a taboo subject for society, both in heaven and on Earth. Fortunately, AstroSamantha thinks to break the silence on the subject from the sky.

On board the International Space Station, where the astronaut has been for ESA’s Minerva mission since 27 April, our Samantha Cristoforetti explains how to manage menstruation in space.

Just like we do on Earth, we have tampons and sanitary pads for every need and preference, AstroSamantha answers.

What changes is theUrine Processor Assembly, the on-board purification system that recycles urine into drinking water. Samantha confesses that the system does not work perfectly with menstrual blood, so here is her advice with a smile on her lips.

You have to be very careful and use extra filters to make sure you don’t trouble the UPA, continues the astronaut.

This could be the reason why, according to Samantha Cristoforetti, many astronauts choose not to have their periods when on a mission by taking, for example, a hormone pill orally.

Over 800 million women and girls menstruate every day, but for many of them the menstrual cycle represents a damnation as well as a reason for embarrassment and shame. Unfortunately because the stigma connected to the cycle and the taboos are still too ingrained today.

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But as Samantha Cristoforetti showed on her social profiles there should be no shame in talking about menstruation. Only by openly dealing with the subject can these taboos be demolished.

On the occasion of the International Menstrual Hygiene Day of 2021 in Milan, murals depicting Kim Kardashian and Marge of the Simpsons with menstruation appeared.

Source: Samantha Cristoforetti / Twitter

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