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Live event with Michaela Huber: Summer Academy 2023

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Live event with Michaela Huber: Summer Academy 2023

Stress and Stress Consequences! Lecture, discussion, supervision with case studies, if necessary. live work

Face-to-face event, live with Michaela Huber: Summer Academy 2023: Stress and the consequences of stress

The Summer Academy 2023 will take place in Karlsbad, Berlin and Hamburg.

Cooperation partners are the Auditorium Network, Ostkreuz GmbH, Freiraum Rothenbaum and the SHR Kliniken.

Auditorium Netzwerk is one of the largest providers of online-based education and training. The leading minds from the fields of medicine and psychology give lectures at the company founded by Bernd Ulrich.

Ostkreuz gGmbH was founded in 1999 by Jac Schwarz and since then Ms. Schwarz and her team have been successfully carrying out systemic work with children, young people and families. Their success is based on support for education, systemic counseling and therapy based on individual and practical solutions for those affected.

Freiraum Rothenbaum is the leading provider of EMDR. Josef Sözbir has specialized in trauma therapy and integrative therapy.

The SHR clinics are not only among the top addresses for initial and acute care at their locations. The outpatient clinics for psychotraumatology treat people “state of the art” according to the latest research. The specialist in psychiatry and psychotherapy Dalia Wolfenson and her competent team successfully implement the most modern therapeutic approaches, clearly geared towards ICD 11 and DSM 5.


“Back to basics”: Let’s understand again and better and better what stress of all kinds does to the organism. We should be particularly interested in the role played by the point in time in life when “too much stress” hits the organism. So let’s take a look at how our clients/patients deal with stress – gladly supplemented with case studies from the participants: from transgenerational transmissions, procreation (rape? attempted abortions? father and/or mother with abuse of psychogenic substances? genetic factors?) to stress in pregnancy, birth trauma, early separations and losses, up to neglect, neglect (also wealth neglect) and physical or sexualized experiences of violence, crises of meaning in adolescence (in recent years also the Corona crisis), partnership and career breaks to illnesses and old age crises.

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Ultimately, it will be decisive to choose the chronic consequences of stress as well as the individual resilience and resources of the client as the starting point for the therapy options to be developed for each individual case, in complex cases together with other professional groups from the social and health care system. And what if nothing seems to help? We cordially invite you to learn and discuss together!

The MH Academy Michaela Huber PPT has been the certified provider of training and further education for people working in the medical, psychological, nursing, educational and social fields with a focus on stress and trauma disorders for 40 years.

company contact
MH Academy Michaela Huber PPT
Steffi Gräfenstein-Heidergott
Five-window street 2
34117 Kassel

Press contact
Michaela Huber PPT
Martina Pacino
Five-window Street 2
34117 Kassel

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