Home » Long-flowering shrubs in summer: The most beautiful species!

Long-flowering shrubs in summer: The most beautiful species!

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Do you also dream of an eternally beautiful garden or an eternally beautiful landscape? Flowering shrubs that bloom not just for weeks but for months are a good starting point for planting in your garden: Flowering shrubs are a treasure in the garden all year round (but especially in spring and summer). Would you also like to enjoy long-flowering shrubs in your garden in summer?

Foto: MaCross-Photography/ Shutterstock


Not only do they have beautiful flowers, but they also add structure to the garden, attract pollinators such as bees and butterflies, and provide height. Some have fragrant flowers while others are perennials. There is a flowering shrub to suit every gardener’s taste. That’s why we’ve created a list of the most beautiful, long-blooming shrubs that we love!

Long-flowering shrubs in summer: species

Foto: Flower_Garden/ Shutterstock

Shrubs can be planted in a variety of settings, such as as individual plants in a front yard or lawn, in a shrub bed with other shrubs, or as part of a bed with annuals, perennials, and shrubs. For added visual interest, try planting scallions among deciduous shrubs.

Buttercup (Buddleja)

Photo: Kabar/ Shutterstock

Flowering time: from July until the first frost

When it comes to garden plants, buddleia (also Butterfly bushes or Butterfly lilac called) one of the longest flowering periods. From early summer through October, their flowers never seem to fade. Since, unlike the other plants on this list, they don’t take a break, they should be described as “permanent bloomers”. Whatever you call them, butterfly lilacs will bloom all summer long without any effort on your part. Just place them in a bright spot and let them bloom.

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The wonderfully fragrant flowers come in different shades (purple, lavender, blue, pink and white) and look similar. If you remove the spent flower clusters, the flowering period of the butterfly bushes will be extended from summer into autumn. It also prevents the butterflies from spreading their seeds everywhere, which is especially helpful in areas where they cause problems.

Rispenhortensie (Hydrangea Paniculata)

Foto: photowind/ Shutterstock

Flowering time: July – October

While most plants on this list produce new flowers at various times during the growing season, panicle hydrangeas achieve their very long bloom period by keeping their flowers looking beautiful even after the first frost. The large, cone-shaped flowers have a green or white base color and gradually turn pink and red as the summer progresses. Because their color remains even after frost, panicle hydrangea growers can look forward to three months or more of blooms.

When it comes to caring for flowering shrubs, panicle hydrangeas are among the most reliable and easy-care representatives. For a long time, the panicle hydrangea was only available in large sizes. But times have changed and today you can choose from a range of dwarf varieties that grow no wider than 90cm to 150cm. A panicle hydrangea is the ideal plant to add a touch of color to any room!

Shrub roses for the garden (pink)

Photo: Muellek/Shutterstock

Flowering period: June – October

What exactly is a shrub rose? They are characterized by their ability to bloom all summer long, their robust growth and their high disease resistance. These roses are much easier to care for and bloom for months without having to cut them off. You can discover a variety of sizes and shades that are ideal for areas with a lot of sun.

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Spierstrauch (Spiraea)

Foto: Edita Medeina/ Shutterstock

Flowering period: April – September

As a very easy-care shrub, the spar has its place in your garden. In late spring and early summer, spar bushes produce clusters of flowers that look beautiful. These plants grow well in moist, well-drained soil and in full sun to partial shade.

Weigelie (Weigelia florida)

Foto: MacBen/ Shutterstock

Flowering time: beginning of May to mid-June and again after a break in flowering from the end of August

Weigela plants produce funnel-shaped flowers that can be any shade from dark pink to yellow. They are highly valued by pollinating insects such as bees and butterflies. Attractive, deciduous foliage in various shades of green, including dark, light and gold, provides the backdrop against which the plants unfold. Weigelia thrive in full sun to partial shade and are easy-care plants that complement varied borders. It’s a good idea to plant a compact variety in a front garden bed or small garden.

Fingerstrauch (Potentilla)

Photo: M. Schuppich/Shutterstock

Flowering period: June – October

Because of its extreme resilience, the crab tree thrives in hot, dry climates. From late spring until the first hard cold snap, it produces small flowers in white, pink or yellow. This plant is almost impossible to eradicate.

Marsh marshmallow (Hibiscus syriacus)

Foto: Gabriela Beres/ Shutterstock

Flowering time: July – end of September

Marsh marshmallow is a reliable plant that provides a splash of color even in the warmest months. From mid-summer through fall, this shrub produces a kaleidoscope of pink, lavender, and white blooms reminiscent of tropical blooms. Sunlight and well-drained soil are ideal for growth.

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Also interesting: Fast-growing shrubs: These beautiful plants ensure a splendor of flowers in the garden!

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