Home » Losing weight without a diet is possible: here are all the tricks

Losing weight without a diet is possible: here are all the tricks

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Losing weight without a diet is possible: here are all the tricks

Do you want to lose weight but can’t stand the idea of ​​following suffering and restrictive diets? Then you need to put these tricks into practice!

The warm season is approaching and so is the terror for the dreaded swimsuit test! Hordes of women and men are trying to do everything to get back in shape after the “winter hibernation”. In fact, in the cold months we move less and eat more, with the consequence that unhealthy habits all affect the abdomen, thighs and hips!

Those hated kilos can be eliminated, of course, but what demotivates is the fact of following they say particularly prohibitive. For this, if the intent is to lose weight without too many sacrifices it is necessary to contact a professional who knows how to indicate the ad hoc path for every need and which is not too restrictive. Beyond this obvious consideration, if you intend to get back on track with simplicity, in addition to the advice of the experts, some tricks that facilitate weight loss because they “deceive” the brain, but what is it about?

The tricks to fool the brain and lose weight effortlessly!

1.The first trick to use to lose weight in peace is to use dishes of a different color than the food. This contrast generally induces those who serve to plate about 30% less food!

2.The second trick is to use smaller plates! It is a very effective optical illusion, seeing is believing.

Goodbye diets, so you lose weight effortlessly! – Velvet Style

3.Third and important step to be implemented to lose weight without great effort is to put a mirror in front of the place where you usually eat your meals. Watching yourself exaggerate with food would warn an immediate guilt enough to curb your appetite!

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4.The fourth important trick is to have lunch or dinner in an environment with soft lighting and perhaps be pampered by a music you adore, a study has found that eating in a serene context reduces famebringing a state of satiety quickly.

These are actions that certainly help but, as mentioned, they must be combined with a healthy diet prescribed by the professional and constant physical activity. These tricks are therefore a palliative that if followed accelerate the weight loss process.

In fact, these are tricks that bring a sense of relaxation and therefore act on the psychic side because it is now a certainty: mental health also affects physical well-being, so when you feel good internally, the body also benefits.


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