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More content through everyday life – with the meditation app Balloon, VIACTIV offers …

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More content through everyday life – with the meditation app Balloon, VIACTIV offers …

VIACTIV health insurance

Bochum (ots)

Cope better with stress and enjoy everyday life more again – with the meditation app Balloon, VIACTIV offers its policyholders a free course on “stress reduction through mindfulness”.

Get out of the hamster wheel, perceive yourself and the pleasant moments in life more consciously – that’s what many want. Often, however, they don’t know how to regain happiness. Modern life is increasingly causing stress for people of all ages – at work, at school, but also in private life and even in their free time. The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared stress at work to be one of the greatest dangers of the 21st century. Rising blood pressure and cardiac arrhythmia are serious consequences. That’s why it’s important to find an outlet and a balance for yourself in order to reduce the stress again.

Reduce stress mindfully

VIACTIV acts and helps. A very special cooperation with the app provider Balloon started in April. If you want less stress, better sleep and more serenity, the “Stress Reduction through Mindfulness” course is just what you need. It is accessible to everyone via the Balloon app. Those insured with VIACTIV can use the offer free of charge. “Thanks to this special partnership between Balloon and VIACTIV, our policyholders can start straight away – free of charge and without prepayment. We will cover the course costs of 75 euros in full for them,” says Tom Fröhlich, Head of Market at VIACTIV. The course is activated very easily at www.viactiv.de/balloon

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The app-supported online course in 52 short audio lessons helps to consciously reduce stress and go through life more relaxed. The individual units build on each other and are unlocked one after the other. Users can easily integrate the instructions for more mindfulness into everyday life and practice at their own pace, regardless of time and place. Whether on the bus, on the train or on the park bench, thanks to the balloon app, the next lesson or meditation is possible at any time. Practical exercises and helpful information for the application of what has been learned in everyday life complete the program.

“An on-site course can be a helpful start. Because that’s where I learn with other people. If I can’t find a course near me or want to start with a little less time, an app can also be helpful,” explains the graduate psychologist dr Boris Borneman. The neuroscientist is the mind and voice of the balloon app, which is based on scientific standards.

Mindfulness training has a positive effect on the body and brain

Studies show that mindfulness training makes us feel our bodies more clearly. “When we are in contact with the body, we also experience our feelings more clearly and understand better what is going on inside us,” says Bornemann. For example, it has been proven that mindfulness training helps to feel less stressed and anxious. The ability to concentrate and creativity are also positively influenced. It is important not to desperately want to improve anything, but to strive for a loving, interested and playful attitude towards yourself and life.

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It has been scientifically proven that mindfulness training has a positive effect on the brain. There are visible changes in the cell distribution and connections in our brain. For example, mindfulness training has an influence on the so-called insula – an area that is closely linked to body perception and feelings. The changes also cause effects on stress hormones and presumably also on the immune system.


At the beginning of the year, the Central Prevention Testing Center certified the stress reduction of the Balloon App with the “German Prevention Standard” seal. The offer is designed and produced by MissionMe, a Gruner + Jahr company. In addition to the Balloon App, MissionMe offers other apps to improve self-efficacy with the Hirschhausen Diet and 7Sleepers.

Press contact:

Georg Stamelos
Font: 0234 479-2158 | Car: 01522 2577 157
Mail: [email protected]

Original content from: VIACTIV Krankenkasse, transmitted by news aktuell

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