Home » Mpox (monkeypox): cases increase sixfold in Europe in a month, decreasing in the rest of the world

Mpox (monkeypox): cases increase sixfold in Europe in a month, decreasing in the rest of the world

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Mpox (monkeypox): cases increase sixfold in Europe in a month, decreasing in the rest of the world

In September, 831 new cases of Mpoxthe new name given by the World Health Organization to monkeypox, down 16% compared to August. In the latest WHO report, the first on a monthly and no longer weekly basis, the European region nevertheless stands out for a trend that goes against the trend: from 1 to 30 September the infections reported were 229, up 660% compared to the month previous.

The WHO report: cases in the world

“The majority of Mpox cases over the past month were reported from the Western Pacific region (45%),” with 391 new infections, “and from the European region (26.4%),” which “overall showed the variation highest in monthly cases,” the report reads.

In all other regions, infections are decreasing, including the Western Pacific (-32%). However, regarding the African region (-70%), “it is not clear – specifies the WHO – whether this is due to an ‘effective’ reduction in cases or to a delay in reporting”. In September, “21 countries reported an increase in infections compared to the previous month,” the report indicates. “Portugal reported the highest relative increase in cases (86 vs 3). Other countries in the European region that have seen an increase in reported infections include Spain and the United Kingdom.”

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Total cases since the beginning of 2022

From January 1, 2022 to the end of September, there were a total of 91,123 laboratory-confirmed Mpox cases, with 157 deaths. They have been reported by 115 countries in all 6 WHO regions. Those that have recorded the most infections are the Americas (59,949) and the European region (26,231).

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What are the symptoms of the infection?

In humans, monkeypox presents with fever, muscle pain, headache, swollen lymph nodes, tiredness. There are also different possible skin manifestations (vesicles, pustules, small crusts). The disease generally resolves spontaneously in 2-4 weeks, with adequate rest and without specific therapies. A circumstance that has been confirmed in the last two months, with almost all cases having mild symptoms with a benign course. However, monkeypox can cause a more serious disease especially in some particularly fragile population groups (children, pregnant women and immunosuppressed people).

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What to do if you test positive for monkeypox?

Cases should be isolated until the rash scabs fall off, indicating the end of the infection. In the presence of signs and symptoms that do not require hospitalization, the confirmed case (if the housing and hygienic-sanitary conditions allow it) can be followed at home, in isolation also from cohabitants and any other people providing assistance.

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