Home » Nail biting has serious consequences – here are what

Nail biting has serious consequences – here are what

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Nail biting has serious consequences – here are what

L’onicofagiaknown as the habit of biting your nailsis a disorder that can have serious consequences.

Unfortunately it is not just an aesthetic consequence; therefore the embarrassment of having nails eaten and ugly to see. But also of the health consequenceslet’s find out which ones.

Nail biting can be caused by anxiety, stress and sometimes even from girl, therefore to some psychological conditions. Then then you can have weak, broken and often bleeding nails. In fact, it often happens that you can also bite the final part of the fingers.

Serious consequences of nail biting

Among the most important problems is that ofweakening of the skin at the base and around the nails, which makes the nail itself more fragile and subject to breakage. Then, unfortunately, you can also have unpleasant infections.

Furthermore, unfortunately not only the hands are compromised, also the teeth; enamel can be affected and in the worst cases there can be cavities.

The most serious cases, if this action is prolonged over time, the bacteria deposited under the nails, if ingested, can lead to problems and infections in the colon.

How to avoid nail problems

Nail biting is therefore not only a bad habit, it can be a real nuisance. How to overcome it? Here are all the solutions.

  • psychotherapy: onychophagy is treated with psychotherapy, contacting a professional may be the best solution to cure this underlying discomfort.
  • do a manicureAmong the various tips, keeping nails short and smooth, so that protruding corners or cuticles are not tempting, helps to keep nail biting at bay.
  • apply bitter-tasting nail polishes: bitter nail polishes are used to prevent nail biting.
  • keep your hands busy: Keeping your hands engaged in other activities makes nail biting a difficult habit to practice. For this purpose, manipulation of objects can be used as an alternative behavior when you are in a condition of particular tension and towards which to divert attention. For example, a stress ball.
  • Cover the fingertips with an occlusive dressing;
  • Wear a pair of gloves;
  • Practicing a sport to release anger and tension accumulated during the day
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Onychophagy is a disorder that must be treated at the base, these are just tips to prevent it mouth is in contact with the nails. The thing to do is to cure the underlying disorder. It is also always advised not to put your hands in your mouth, either because of the situation Covid (touching surfaces with your hands and then bringing them to your mouth risks carrying the virus into the body) and why germs and bacteria lurk in the mouth or worse they end up in the body, causing un lowering of the immune system and infections.

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